Page 37 of Stalked by His Ex

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Nikki and Jacob agreed immediately.

“That sounds nice. It’s hot out.”

He smiles. “Anything you want to do is fine with me.”

Jacob groans. “Quit being so lovey-dovey, you’re going to make me sick.”

“Good.” Jaxton leans over and kisses me. As soon as our lips touch, cameras click around the restaurant, causing me to flinch and recoil.

“How can you guys stand all this attention? Doesn’t it get annoying?” I can’t help but comment. This would drive me up the wall.

They nod in unison.

“You get used to it. Now we don’t even notice they’re there half the time, unless they’re directly in our faces,” Nikki explains.

Cameron continues, “I’ve had someone dive out of bushes to take my picture. If they ask, most of the time I’ll take one with them, so there’s no reason for bush diving.” He laughs at the memory playing in his head.

Everyone around the table shares their most horrible ‘star’ moment. Nikki’s was when some guy chased her out of a store with his camera. “I was so scared. I didn’t know if he was going to attack me or take my picture.”

Jacob had a girl hide in his car until he made it home. “When she jumped out of the back seat, she almost gave me a heart attack. Of course, it was hard for me to be nice to her after hiding in my car. I had her thrown off my property.”

“What’s yours?” I asked Jaxton, an eyebrow cocked.

Everyone grins, waiting for him to answer. They seem to know what he’s going to say, because laughter breaks through the silence, and Jaxton turns red.This is going to be good.

When he’s quiet too long, Jacob mocks, “Aw, don’t blush. I’ll tell it.”

Jaxton opens his mouth to protest but stops, figuring there’s no point in objecting. They’ll tell me, anyway.

Jacob continues, “Okay, so one night Jaxton is rolling around in his car. Cameron and I were with him, too.” He snickers and then continues. “We stopped at this little hot spot to see what kind of action we could find. When out of nowhere, this chick leaps in front of him, rips her top off, jumps on him, and starts making out with him.” Everyone busts out laughing.

I, on the other hand, don’t care for the story. Jaxton’s eyes soften as he mouths, “I’m sorry.” It’s not like it’s his fault that some bitch felt the need to assault him. Apparently, the story’s not over, because Jacob continued.

“So, Jaxton didn’t know what to do—he just stood there, like he was waiting for us to pull this chick off. Once he realized we’re having too much fun watching him panic, he shoves the chick off, and removes his extra shirt to cover the girl.”

Jaxton slips his hand into mine, squeezing for support, and leans over to whisper in my ear. “Sorry you had to hear that. It’s not like that all the time. I promise.” He seems embarrassed for the first time, which is endearing.

“It’s okay.” I reassure him, then suggest, “Do you want to go to the lake? I know a way around back, so no one can see your car, and no one goes to the spot we’re going. That way we can have an afternoon by ourselves. If that’s all right with you guys?” Everyone’s eyes snap at me, making me nervous that I’d said something wrong.

“See. Didn’t I tell you guys she’s great?” Jaxton leans over and kisses my temple.

“Did I say something wrong?” I quietly ask Jaxton, but Jacob answers instead.

“No, you’re great. We’re not used to people treating us normally. Most would try to show us off, but you’re trying to hide us. It’s a nice change.” His smile is genuine, but seconds later, he jumps over Nikki. “I’m still driving!”

We slip out of the booth, people staring, as we head to the car. Jaxton grabs my hand, sensing the anxiety drumming through my body from the attention. He leans down, brushing his lips to my ear, whispering, “Just hang on tight, baby.” He tugs me toward the car.

“Let’s pick up your guys’ stuff and head to my house.” I offer a place to get ready.

“We should see if Liam wants to come too!” Nikki exclaims. It seems everyone’s excited about the prospect of swimming without being on exhibit.

Since we’re in town, we swing by the Hilton where everyone’s staying. Again, there’re people everywhere. The car windows are dark enough that no one can see inside.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I have to ask, “How do you stay under the radar with your car? Don’t they recognize you when you enter the lot?” Each of them glance over with matching smirks on their faces. Bouncing between their expressions, I can’t decipher their meanings. “What?” I laugh. “What am I missing?”

Cameron’s chuckles. “Our security team changes our car every day—sometimes several times a day, depending on our surroundings and project.”

“Sorry to cut this short, but Nikki… would you be a dear and get all of our stuff? You won’t get harassed as much as we will.” Jacob asks in a seductive voice, trying to swoon her into doing his bidding.
