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“Do we have to tell him what we’re doing?” Anastasia asks. I see the desperation in her eyes.

I shrug. “I mean, I could say I found you, and we’re lying low. That I didn’t want to say anything in case people were watching.”

“Is this email safe?” she asks.

“It’s encrypted in a way that would alert me if anyone other than Dominic looked at this email at a certain location,” I explain. “It’s the only way to reach me.”

I sit at the laptop, and Anastasia pulls a chair beside me and watches me type.


Line not encrypted—can’t call.

Found A. She is safe with me. She was the woman from the auction. We’re lying low until it’s safe to come home.


Anastasia looks at me. “Is he going to be pissed?”

“The man types faster than anyone I know. We’re going to get a lecture,” I sigh. We both sit there for a moment before another email comes through.

Luigi Sorvino.

I am going to kill you personally. Why didn’t you say that from the beginning? Ivan is going insane looking for his daughter. You will spend your days cleaning out the toilets at the family estate every hour if I have a say when I’m through with you.

Come home immediately.


“Yeah, he used my full name, so he definitely means business,” I say with a chuckle. “This guy…”


I’m sorry! As said, couldn’t get encrypted line. Wasn’t sure who was listening or watching. Family homes under observation. Better to lie low and be safe than risk it, and more people get hurt.

I pause and look at Anastasia. “I don’t know what else to say.”

“Say whatever you can to get him to let us stay here,” she pleads, looking at the screen. I delete the email.


As explained, couldn’t get encrypted line.

Mexicans are watching family home.

Not safe to return.

It would be easier for me to keep her safe in a secret location than to bring her home.

Can arrange encrypted call between A and dad to show she is unharmed.

Confirm instructions.


I send the email and look at her. “He’ll probably have to discuss it with your father and Alessandro, so we might as well have breakfast.” I stand and lead her back to the small table.

We sit down, and she eats preserves on her toast while I tackle the tinned fish. We don’t talk. We’re each nervously waiting for the beep bloop of the email notification on the laptop.
