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Dominic places a hand on Alessandro’s shoulder. “Don’t mind him, Ales. He feels bad because he’s caused an inconvenience for the family by not killing the Irishman. Something we will have resolved soon.” Dominic looks at me and motions to the door with his head. “Off you fuck, little cousin.”

I leave, using one of my cousin's drivers to take me to my main apartment. When I walk in, it’s cold, not in temperature, but in lack of presence. Her presence.

I shakily pour myself two shots of whiskey neat and sit on the armchair, sipping it slowly. I stare at the black leather of my expensive sofa, which drags my mind back to Anastasia.

And to the little blood stain I’d seen on the material sofa where we’d had sex.

I think back to how painful her little whines and cries had sounded, the noises she made. In the throes of passion, I probably hadn’t been as gentle as I could have been. I had moved hard and fast. I worry that I hurt her.

I can’t pretend I didn’t know she was a virgin, it was openly announced at the auction. Can’t put that cat back in the bag.

What surprises me is that it hadn’t come out before this. I mean, I thought… She always had a good-looking guy on her arm. Surely it would have come up at some point when we spoke to each other in the past.

Shit, while I feel like fireworks are going off because I was the first, I consider that if Ivan wasn’t going to kill me before, he’s definitely going to kill me now. I take out my phone to message her but realize she wouldn’t have her phone anymore. It would have been lost or destroyed when she was taken prisoner.

I down my whiskey and go onto social media, scrolling to her profile and checking if she’s online. That little green dot is there.

I hit private message and pause. What do I say? Hey Ana, since I was the first dick you fucked? My cousin came and tore us apart before we could discuss what we are now, and if I’d hurt you?

I take a deep breath and send her a message.

Hey Ana,

Are you okay? Did everything go okay when you got home?


I wait for the little bubble with dots to appear, then read the message she sends back.


I had a massive fight with my dad, but it doesn’t matter. We’re still on, right? You’re still going to help me?


That little ‘x’ haunts me. What does it mean? Is it a kiss? A hug? Just a sign-off? Then it dawns on me what she means, and I balk.

You can’t be serious! Alessandro nearly had my balls on a dinner plate tonight. If you want to go through with this, we must bring Ivan and Alessandro on board and get their permission.

The dots appear immediately, and although they’re the same as before, I can’t help but sense a wave of anger in them.

My father and Alessandro will not approve. I need to prove to my father that I’m a leader, and you know what? If you won’t help me, then I’ll figure it out on my own.

My protective nature takes over, and I want to throw the empty whiskey glass across the room. I start typing furiously, erase, then type again.


Don’t you DARE do anything without running it by me. Don’t be stupid.

I get up and pace as I wait for her response.

Have you even checked if your search got any results?”

I hurry to get the laptop, setting it up at my small dining table. I check the search that’s been running in the background and am surprised at how it has narrowed down Mateo’s location.

We’re close.

I wait.
