Page 100 of The Piece You Broke

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But the man? The man wants to live inside her slick heat, feel her muscles rippling around my cock.

Mona didn’t always want it as hard as I like, so I dialed back on the hard. For her. Even though I needed more.

But Saige? The memory of her shadowed eyes, dark with need, thrusts itself right, front, and center.More. Give me more.

My cock stirs to life.

If the situation with Dariel wasn’t the way it was, and if she wasn’t looking so peaceful in sleep, I’d wake her. I wouldn’t let her sleep for fucking days.

I think of being inside her again.

Heaven. It was like fucking heaven.

And her touch? The gentle way she cared for my wounds, going for bandages?

I remember her eyes filling with tears when I kissed the scar on her wrist. Shame made her turn her face away from me, but she had nothing to be ashamed of. The long white scar isn’t a weakness. It’s proof that she was willing to do whatever it took to free herself from the hell I see still living in her eyes. It’s a sign of her strength.

One day, I’ll make her believe it.

The other scars on her body, the whip marks, the claw marks, and the signs that someone restrained her, flash in my mind, but I tuck them away for now. Someone will pay for every single one of those marks a thousand-fold. Even if it takes a hundred years. Even if it kills me. Someonewillpay.

Some long-forgotten corner deep inside me stirs to life. This isn’t just me wanting her body, buther. I crave her touch, her care, her… everything.

Get up Kade, before you give in and wake her when you know she needs rest. She wouldn’t have fallen asleep standing in the shower if she didn’t need it.

So I climb out of bed and head for the door, still as naked as when I shifted.

Aden is sitting on the floor in the hallway outside Dariel’s office, back pressed against the wall, arms folded across his chest, and eyes closed as I approach.

“You were loud,” he says, eyes still closed.

“Not my fault.” I drop to the floor opposite him, conscious the wolf on the other side of the door is still prowling. Guess he must’ve run out of things to savage.

Aden’s eyes open. “How is she?”

“I didn’t hurt her if—”

“Stop.” His voice is sharp with the same anger that suddenly flares to life. Rare for Aden. “Don’t treat me like I don’t know you. I asked you how she was.”

I lean my head against the wall. “Sleeping.” I give him a cheeky grin. “I’d like to think I wore her out.”

Aden doesn’t respond the way I want him to. He never does. “She’s been through a lot. You gave her something she’d been without for a long time.”

With Dariel, there’d be jealousy. Maybe competition. There wouldn’t have been before Mona, but she changed all of us, and not for the better.

“And you’ll give her something else,” I tell him. “Dariel too, if he ever manages to pull his head out of his ass and listen to his instincts.”

“I know.” Aden glances at the office door. “Dariel will get there.”

Hopeful fucker.

A wolf snarls. Wood crunches. There’s another thump against the door and then silence.

I’d have thought his desk would be the first thing he destroyed, but he must not have gone to town on everything in there yet. Well, the day is young, so there’s still plenty of time for him to turn his furniture into toothpicks.

I raise my eyebrow. “You think?”

“How’d you get him in there?” he asks.
