Page 111 of The Piece You Broke

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I flinch at the sound of my name falling from Aden’s lips.

But he’s still far enough away that he might not catch me.

My ribs scream at me as I put my head down and run harder, my hair streaming behind me. The wind playing with the strands like strong fingers combing through them.

It doesn’t take long to reach a familiar fire exit, and I grab the bottom rung and scamper up. My ribs don’t like it. Not one bit, but gritting my teeth, I scramble up and up. I’m taking a risk coming back here, especially with Aden behind me. Leaving without money is bad enough. But without pants?

That’s just asking for trouble.

I’m up the fire exit and back in Aden’s bathroom so fast I almost can’t believe I did it. A couple of days ago I couldn’t have. Underfed, underweight, weak. I wouldn’t have made it to the first floor.

It’s amazing what two days of sleep, a diet of three full meals, and a lack of terror can do for you.

The second my feet hit cool bathroom tiles, I’m sprinting for the bedroom and diving into the closet. My eyes rake over the clothes hanging on the rail. Spotting a pair of black sweatpants, I snatch them up and shove my legs into them. A matching black hoody gets stuffed over my head, and then I’m out of the bedroom and through to the living room.

Aden would assume that I wouldn’t be able to get into the apartment through the front entrance since I don’t have keys, so he’ll follow me up the fire exit. I’m sure of it.

On my way through the living room, I spot the flats he let me borrow to work at the bar. They’re on my feet a second later. My gaze goes to the refrigerator full of food, and I’m tempted, so painfully tempted, to grab a bag and fill it because without money, who knows when I’ll next get an opportunity to eat.

Was that the sound of someone climbing up the fire exit?

I pause for a beat, but the same faint ringing sound doesn’t come again.

No time for food. Go now, Saige. Go before you get Aden killed.

I sprint toward the front door, and I’m out of it, my breath harsh and overly loud as I repeat the same mad dash as before. Down the fire exit, the muscles in my legs work hard as I struggle to maintain my speed. But I get to the bottom, tear across the lobby and shove the front door open before throwing myself out of it.

And crash right into a male chest. “Aden.”

Not again.

He has his arms wrapped tight around me before I realize it isn’t him.

My heart stops.

I lift my head to see, even though I already know who has a hold of me.

Someone who will never let me go.

“Did you forget you belong to me?” Rylan asks, a cold smile curving his lips.

Another piece of me dies.

Continue Saige’s journey in…

The Piece You Stole
