Page 71 of The Piece You Broke

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A table hurtles toward the bar. The two men behind it dive out of the way and an almighty smash of glass rings out.

“I’ll get them,” Aden calls out from behind me, before sprinting away to save the bar staff from the next table that might scream their way.

I stalk toward the brawling men who are so focused on each other neither sees me coming until I’m right there.

The mysterious shifter might be good, but he’s no alpha wolf. I grab Kade by the shoulder and shove him to one side. As he stumbles back, I drive my fist into the mysterious shifter’s jaw.

He flies back, taking down one of the last tables still standing. Wood splinters but he doesn’t make a sound when he lands.

Then I turn to Kade. “Stop before you destroy the—”

I’m suddenly airborne. My back smashes hard against the floor, and then pain. A pulsing drumbeat on the side of my face spreads.

My wolf roars with fury, the sound rattling through my head until I can hear nothing else. I shove him back before he can force his way out of me.

Kade hit me. Hefuckinghit me.

I surge to my feet with a snarl, swiping the blood that drips into my eyes with the back of my hand.

Kade and the wolf are back at it, wrestling across the floor, pummeling at each other with fists and knees. Soundless except for the odd groan and meaty sound of flesh pounding flesh.

Blood flows from both sides, but while the mysterious shifter is grim-faced, a dark smile curves Kade’s bloody lips.

It’s a familiar smile, and I know if I don’t put a stop to this soon, there won’t be a bar standing when he’s through.

I’m fucking sick of this shit.

Out of the corner of my eye, Aden darts toward the brawling men, likely with the same thought of stopping Kade before he can bring the Cerberus down on all our heads.

Veering to the right, I catch Aden just in time. Taking a firm hold of his shoulder, I nudge him back. I don’t say a word because right now, I’m too close to losing control of my wolf to speak. Aden must get it. His back bumps against the wall but he stays put.

By now it’s a wonder Kade can see at all, with the blood dripping into his eyes and smeared over his face. His teeth still glint in a smile.

This time I don’t bother with words. Or the mysterious shifter. I lunge at Kade, taking him down to the ground.

Deal with Kade first, then the other guy. Whoever the fuck he is.

Kade growls low in his throat. Fire erupts in my gut, making me snarl. I hold my wolf back. If I even partially shift, there’s no way I’m going to be able to stop myself from shifting the rest of the way.

Kade lands a blow on my chin with his left hand as the claws in his right eat into my belly.

I take both hits.

Once I’ve got him pinned, I close my hand around his throat and squeeze.

His eyes bulge as he flails beneath me.

Another blow lands. My left ear this time.

Claws slice into my abs.

I don’t move.

As his frantic struggles slow, I lower my head. “Stop. Now.”

Seconds tick by as his fight to get free turns into a fight to breathe.

When he’s lying still beneath me, I meet his eyes. “You done?”
