Page 83 of The Piece You Broke

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Instead of answering, I turn away. There’s only so much a girl can take of a man stretched naked on his back, gazing up at her with lust in his eyes before the temptation to join him becomes too much to ignore.

As I fight to focus my thoughts elsewhere, I can’t help but wonder if the other hound—Dariel—lives in a barren and stark apartment just like this one.

My gaze snags on something black and silky, nearly hidden at the bottom corner of the bed. “You have a pair of panties on the floor.” I guess that explains the tiredness and the need for a shower.

Kade peels his head from the bed, glances at the spot I’m looking at, and pushes himself to his feet with an ease that isn’t even close to being human. It’s far too graceful and powerful for a regular human to be able to replicate.

He leaves the towel on the bed as he plucks the panties from the floor. After crossing over to the window, he shoves it open before tossing them out.

The second before he turns, I rip my attention from the perfection of his ass that it’s going to take me weeks, if not months, to get out of my head. “Isn’t she going to want them back, you know, whoever they belong to?”

If I ignore the heat burning a hole in my gut at the thought of what they must have gotten up to in that bed, maybe it will go away.

He returns to the bed, takes another long draw of whiskey, and leaves the empty bottle on the floor. “She won’t be back. They never do.”

There must be a long line of them for him to be so certain. As I’m working out how to respond, he pats the space beside him. “You didn’t come here for answers.”

I think of all the things I want to do with him, in the bed, on the couch at the bar. The floor. I’ve never looked at someone and wanted them the way I do Kade. I see him and I think of sex. “Yes, I did.”

“Do you think I don’t know when a woman isn’t thinking of having sex with me, Saige?”

The sound of my name on his lips makes me drag in a deep breath. My gaze slides down his lean, muscled chest, settling on the hard length nestled between his thighs. It hardens, rising until it’s pointing right at me as if willing me to come closer. To taste. My breathing turns shallow.

Looks like I’m not the only one thinking about sex.

I lift my gaze and meet his eyes, and then I shake my head. “No. That’s not why I’m here, and it’s not what you want, either.”

He raises an eyebrow as a hint of mockery drifts over his lips. “Isn’t it?”

“Thanks for what you did. Goodbye.”

And I turn on my heel and walk away.

He doesn’t call out to me, and he doesn’t try to stop me as I step out of his apartment and pull the door closed behind me.

“One more thing to do,” I whisper beneath my breath, “And then you can go.”



Idraw in a deep breath, hold it for three seconds, and once I’ve released it I lift my hand.

My knuckles thump against the metal door. Three hard taps that make my wrist ache. And then I wait, my arms by my side, tension holding me immobile.

A sudden gust of wind blows hair into my face. Raising my arm, I tuck the loose strands behind my ear.

The metallic clang of a lock turning draws my gaze away from the road, thankful it’s still as empty as when I walked down it moments before. I make my breathing steady as the black steel door swings open.

The dark-haired man, who must be a foot taller than me with wide heavy muscles barely contained by his stained black shirt, peers down at me. He darts a glance over my right shoulder as if expecting to find someone with me.


“I’m alone,” I tell him, though I needn’t have bothered.

His emerald gaze returns to me but he still doesn’t speak. Just as with Kade, I look for the wolf in him, but I don’t see it.

Was I wrong to think that I could always tell a wolf shifter from a regular human? And why is it that the shifters in Rylan’s pack always had their wolf in their eyes if they could have hidden it? To terrify me even more than I was already?
