Page 82 of The Piece You Broke

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“Even though I can taste your fear from here?”

Two feet of space separate us, but I have a feeling it could be ten or more and he’d still have no problem scenting my fear.

I strangle the need to run away because he won’t hurt me. I’m suddenly as sure of it as I know that I need air to breathe. Even if he is a wolf. “Yes.”

Another long moment stretches on, seemingly without end. And at the end of it, I force myself to take a step forward.

The first two steps are so hard it’s like my feet are trapped in tar and I have to wrench them free, but after that, it gets easier.

And then I’m in a living room with a glass wall, a white couch, and a glass table with a half-empty bottle of whiskey on it.

The similarities between this one and Rylan’s are so painful that if Kade didn’t step around me and grab the bottle from the table, I’d have thought I was back there, and run.

He takes a long draw from it and then holds it out to me. “Here.”

I stare at the bottle. “What?”

“You look like you need it more than I do.”

“It’s the morning,” I tell him, but that doesn’t stop me from taking the bottle from him anyway. I raise it to my lips as he watches, and I don’t know what excites me more, his watching me, or that I’m about to put my mouth where he just had it. “This is a bad idea.”

He shrugs. “If it is, who cares?”

I lift the bottle the rest of the way as he watches. All I can manage is a small mouthful of whiskey that burns straight down.

He only looks away from my mouth when I swipe at it with the back of my hand before offering the bottle back to him. “Thanks.”

I tense a little as he steps closer. Far closer than he needs to be. A faint smile touches the corner of his mouth as his hand grips the bottle, just below mine.

His gaze dips to my lips again, and excitement thrums through me the second before his finger strokes the back of my hand.

My core clenches in response, and I suck in a sharp breath.

I let go of the bottle and back up. Too late. It’s not like he couldn’t have noticed my reaction.

His lip quirks before he lifts the bottle to his mouth, sucking it almost dry. He turns on his heel and walks away. “You sure you just came for answers?”

My gaze tracks him as he crosses the living area and disappears through an open door. His path isn’t all that straight, which poses the question: Just how long has he been awake? And was the bottle full before he got started on it?

Something compels me to follow. “Yes, why?”

As if he doesn’t know why, Saige. He strokes you with one finger and your pussy tightens like he stroked you there and not your hand.

I stop at the doorway, determined not to go any further when my eyes land on the large white bed in the center of the room and the man stretched out on his back, head pillowed on his folded arms, gazing across at me.

The towel has worked itself loose, but I don’t dare let my gaze linger there. My mouth is dry enough as it is.

So I force my attention elsewhere. Just like Aden, it’s like Kade has been living in this apartment for days because there’s nothing in it. Just the bed and a white armchair a foot away, angled so that whoever was sitting in the chair could watch someone on the bed.

A tingle of anticipation dances up my spine.

I shift my focus again.

“Because women have been known to come...” His heavy-lidded stare drifts down my body and I feel the heat of it like fingers caressing my skin. I press my thighs together, and amusement flares in his eyes. “In search of something a little more exciting than mundane answers.”

“Like what?” It’s a pointless question. He’s a wolf. No matter how tightly I clamp my legs together, he’ll know what effect he’s had—ishaving on me by just using his nose.

“I think you know the answer to that.”

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