Page 88 of The Piece You Broke

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I take another step back.

A wetter growl makes me halt. It’s one I’ve heard too many times to not know what it means. Usually, it came right before Rylan attacked one of his packmates when they stepped out of line.

Terror stabs at me. It feels like it’s bleeding through my pores as I struggle to drag my gaze from the wood clenched in his fists. He tosses the wood aside and claws burst from the tips of his fingers. Skin ripples and then I’m looking at white fur. It ripples again, and then it’s back to human skin.

Rylan and the others would shift whenever they wanted to. It always came easy. The only time they ever tried to control their wolves was when we were in public. But they weren’t always successful, and when they weren’t, the unlucky person who witnessed something they shouldn’t have paid the price with their lives.

That’s what Dariel is doing. Trying to stop his shift, but from the tremors shaking his body, and the deep growls erupting from his chest, it’s not working.

Why can’t he stop himself from shifting?

“Get out.” The voice is barely human, so deep I barely make sense of the words.

And then I do.

Spinning on my heel, I sprint for the door. Behind me, an enraged wolf roars.

I jerk my head around. White fur ripples over his skin and shredded clothes lie scattered all over the floor.

Two seconds. It couldn’t have been more than two seconds and already he’s a wolf.

I run into something, bounce off it, and then hard hands grip me.

Whipping my head back around, I stare up at Kade, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. The heavy-lidded, whiskey-drunk man from before is no more. I don’t know when he got here, but I’ve never been more relieved to see someone as I am to see him.

He has his serious, unblinking stare trained over my shoulder. At Dariel. If I didn’t already know how bad this situation was, the tension hardening his jaw and making his lips a thin line would clue me in. “Go, now. Run.”

Are they going to fight? Is that what’s about to happen?

After nudging me aside, Kade grabs his sweats and tears them off.

I’m rushing for the exit when an internal alarm screams me to look back. So I do. A snarling wolf lunges. Not for Kade, but toward me.

Shrieking, I fling myself back. My foot catches on something, and I hurtle to the ground as Kade leaps in front of me, shifting to a white wolf as he does. The wolves smash with a violence that scatters broken chairs and tables, snarling as they tear into each other.

The second my ass hits the floor, I’m scrambling back to my feet before I bolt for the front door. I tear it open as another furious growl makes me jerk my head around. The bigger white wolf stares at me from the doorway, an enraged emerald stare making my heart lurch. Dariel.

The smaller white wolf barrels into him, and they go down in a tangle of teeth, claws, and fur, disappearing from view.

A hand grips my arm and yanks me out, slamming the door shut behind us.


He draws me against him. “Come on, you shouldn’t be here for this.”

As he leads the way up the street, I can’t help but turn back to the door.

It’s still closed, but all I can think about is what could be happening on the other side of it.



Isit on the couch, facing Aden who leans against the wall with his cell phone in his hand, much as we’ve been in the thirty minutes since he brought me back to his apartment.

After asking me if I wanted a drink and a snack, an offer I waved off, he hasn’t spoken since. I guess he’s just as distracted wondering if Dariel is busy killing Kade as I am.

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