Page 89 of The Piece You Broke

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I don’t know how Aden knew I’d run. Maybe there’d been a look in my eyes that clued him in I was getting ready to bolt, or if he’s just better at reading me than anyone I’ve ever known before.

It could have been Kade who told him where you were.

I consider it. It’s possible.But then how did they both know I’d be at the bar when there’s no way Dariel would have told them? He wanted me gone, and from what he said, he knew as well as I did that if Aden knew where I was, he’d try to stop me.

When his cell phone vibrates, I jump.

On the surface, he looks calm, but his hand shakes just a little as he answers the call before lifting it to his ear.

I observe him so closely that I’d be able to guess what had happened without him needing to say a single word.

His expression doesn't change.

Not even a little.

He just listens to someone speaking at a volume so low that I don’t catch a single word. Is it Dariel who tried to attack me, or is it Kade who saved me?

I don't even wait for Aden to hang up before I’m speaking. "Is Kade dead? Did Dariel kill him?"

He lowers the phone, hanging up before tucking it into his pants pocket. The second before he speaks is agony.

I clench my hands into tight fists, my eyes burning, which makes no sense at all because I don't know Kade. I've just met him. Why should I give a damn if he lives or dies?

Because he saved you, Saige. Twice now. That's why.

"Kade is alive," Aden says.

But there's a hesitation in his voice that makes me think he's keeping something from me. "What? What aren't you telling me?"

Shifters heal fast. So, even if he’s hurt, he will heal in no time at all, so there’s no reason to be feeling this panicky.

"He's hurt, but he'll be okay."

"How do you know that?" My voice is sharp and just a little too high, but there’s nothing I can do about that, not with how fast my heart is racing.

"Because it’s Kade," he says. "He managed to get Dariel in his office, and—"

I shove myself to my feet and sprint for the door.

"Saige! where are you going?"

"Where do you think?"

I don’t waste time with the elevator, instead heading straight for the stairs. My footsteps echo as they slap against the stone staircase. A dull throb accompanies every step from skipping my daily dose of Motrin, but right now my bruised ribs aren’t important. Only one thing is.

I burst out of the apartment building and aim my body toward the bar. But no matter how fast I run, Aden is a step behind me every step of the way. I feel his presence just behind me, and hear his breaths as he keeps up with me. He doesn’t try to stop me or even say a word. I think he must know not to bother.

Minutes later, I turn into the side street that will lead to the Cerberus. But by the time we reach the front door, Aden is ahead of me, blocking the door with his body, and a warning in his eyes. “Saige.”

“Move, Aden.”

Gripping my shoulders, he peers into my eyes. He’s only the tiniest bit winded compared to my heavy, panting breaths. “Why?”

“I have to know he’s okay.”

“But why?”

I struggle to pull free so I can bang on the door. “Let go, Aden.”
