Page 18 of Wait in the Truck

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What? I couldn’t follow his logic, but that didn’t matter. Whether I understood what he was feeling or thinking wasn’t the issue. All that mattered was making it better. “I’m so sorry you thought that.” I scooted higher on the mattress, nudging Luna’s big head out of the way so I was thigh to thigh with him. “I haven’t done a good job of communicating with you, and that ends now.”

The hope in him was apparent, despite the tear that escaped from his left eye. “What’s ending?”

Apparently, I was exceptionally bad at words. “Okay, I’m just gonna lay it all out there.” I had never been particularly wordy, but this was too important to fuck up by being self-conscious or subtle. Jesse needed clarification before he made any decisions. He deserved to fully understand what I was offering, even though I wasn’t entirely sure myself until the words started flowing. “I am very attracted to you. Not just physically, but you’re kind and sweet and respectful. All the things I look for in a boy.” I paused there to give him a moment for that to sink in.

“So, you are a Daddy? Like, a real one. Not just in name during sex?”

I grinned at his adorable way of describing what had always felt like an extremely complicated lifestyle. “I am a Daddy by nature, looking for a boy…both in and out of the bedroom. Do you understand what that means?”

He nodded tentatively and then cocked an eyebrow. “Do you want me to wear diapers and sleep in a crib?”

“Not at all.” Age play was part of the kink for many Daddies and boys, but that wasn’t my thing. “I want you to be exactly as you are. I can’t think of a single thing I’d ask you to change.”

“Really?” He lowered one hand so it was in the space between our thighs. “But what did you mean by rules?”

I took his hint and reached for his hand, interlacing our fingers and holding it on my lap. “Well, right now, as my house guest, you have some rules, right? I asked you to always be honest with me and to lock the house up when you leave.”

“Yeah, but those are just regular house rules. Are there any…bedroom rules?” He was tentative, but I could see the genuine interest in his eyes. “Other than calling you Daddy?”

I loved seeing his neck turn red and blossom all the way up to his ears whenever he was embarrassed. He was so beautiful. With my free hand, I traced the edge of his ear and down his jawline. I held his chin between my thumb and pointer finger as I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. “Every time I hear you say that, my dick gets hard and my heart beats faster.”

He followed my retreating lips, trying to kiss me longer. We’d get there soon enough, but we needed to focus. “I like getting your dick hard…Daddy.”

“Fuck, boy.” I pressed my chest against his, pinning his upper body in place against the headboard until we were both gasping for breath. “We need to get through this conversation before anything else happens. Can you be a good boy?”

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed back his desire. “Yes, Daddy. I can be good.”

“I know you can.” I had to shake my head to remember what we were just talking about. “So, that turns me the fuck on, and I’d love for you to call me Daddy in bed, but you can do it any time, if you’re comfortable with that. If not, only during sex is okay.”

Jesse pulled our connected hands to his chest and nodded. “Okay, I’m fine with that. Are there other rules?”

“Not really.” My thumb drew circles on the back of his hand. “More than anything, I want to take care of you, and I want you to let me. It’s not a rule, and you never have to do anything you don’t want to do. I’ll always respect your wishes and stop immediately if you ask me to. But I’ll do everything I can to keep your trust and respect and would love to be the man you rely on for things. Not just for now…”

Forever was on the tip of my tongue, but I kept that to myself. It was too soon to make such a promise or declaration. Besides, I wanted Jesse to be fully comfortable with submitting to me before he was committing to me.



Yes, a thousand times yes. At least, that was what my brain was screaming. But I somehow found the wherewithal to keep my mouth shut until I could get a better handle on what my brain was so enthusiastic about.

Harris was everything I’d ever wanted in a partner, and he wanted me to be his. How could that even be possible?

I’d been in submissive relationships my whole life, but submitting to Harris wasn’t like what I was used to. With Harris, it was easy and natural and…safe. Safer than anything I’d ever agreed to before. Not that I’d ever really been given the option to agree or not agree. I was always just told that I would submit.

This was different.

“Yes, Harris. I want you to be my Daddy, and I want to be your boy. At least, I want to try. I’ll probably screw up a lot, but if you tell me what you want, I promise to try to be good for you.”

Harris’s eyes fluttered closed as he inhaled, and then he looked right at me. “I promise to take care of you and meet your needs as often as I can. But if I miss something or am doing something wrong, especially if it scares you, please promise to tell me. I want this to work, Jesse. I really do.”

Only a few inches separated us as I leaned forward, claiming his lips in a soft kiss. Our shower had emboldened me, and I felt empowered to not only ask for what I wanted but to take it.

Unfortunately, the adrenaline from my nightmare and the endorphins from my multiple orgasms were taking their toll, and I had to pull away from his mouth to yawn.

“Am I boring you already?” Harris kissed my earlobe then gave it a nip. “Or is it finally bedtime for my tired boy?”

I didn’t ever want this moment to end, but I was crashing fast. “I think it’s bedtime.”
