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"I bet that made the chase a lot easier for him." Kale nods, grinning at the memory. "He could smell her fear and feed off it."

A shiver runs down my spine, causing me to drop my eyes. "What happens if I faint or something?"

"Then Jordan will have to carry you back here." Kale shrugs like that’s a perfectly reasonable scenario. "But that wouldn't be much fun for either of you, which is why it's essential that you stay alert and focused. You should try to rest and conserve your energy as much as possible."

"Why?" I ask, looking up at him curiously.

Kale smirks. "You're going to need your strength and stamina."

If he’s supposed to make me less nervous, he’s doing a terrible job of it. "How long will the chase last?"

"Normally, it's only about an hour," Kale answers. "But some have lasted all night."

"Those are miserable. If it takes that long, then the relationship is probably doomed," Kale says.

"Okay, so what's the ideal length?" I bite my lip as questions flood my brain.

"The elders would say some vague bullshit like 'every pair has their own ideal' or whatever." Kale waves a hand dismissively and rolls his eyes. "But really, everyone starts to whisper if it takes more than a few hours."

I nod slowly, getting a feel for what to expect. "Okay."

"But if you get back and it's only been like...fifteen minutes, that's bad too."

"Yeah, I guess it would be bad." It would mean our bond was doomed. I can’t let that happen.

"Good, now that you're all caught up on the basics, let's get started." Kale gestures to the pile of snacks that the others have already started to dig through. "We’ll get you fed first so you’re not sluggish later. Sound good?"

I hesitate for just a second before nodding. There's still so much uncertainty swirling through me. My wolf is pacing anxiously just beneath my skin. I don't really feel like eating, but the snacks are still sitting there, and I shouldn't deny myself. Apparently, my body will need the fuel to run for just about an hour.

"Okay, well then...let's eat!" Kale claps his hands together, signaling the end of his training speech.

The guys do their best to distract me, but my thoughts are constantly pulled back to reality. Outside, I hear music and the chatter of people milling around and can't help but wonder what Jordan's up to.

Is he as nervous about this chase thing as I am?

And what about...what comes after the chase?

Time creeps by agonizingly slow. It feels like an eternity before the sun finally sets.

And then it's time. Suddenly, I catch myself wishing I had a few more hours to wait. Despite all my mental preparation, I doubt I'm truly ready for this.

But Kale and the others are ushering me outside into the pale twilight. The music has long since died away, and a solemn silence has settled over the gathered members of the pack. They've piled branches in the middle of the clearing in preparation for a bonfire, but it remains unlit.

Kale said they'd light the fire to guide us back to the clearing after the chase.

Glancing around, I look for any sign of Jordan, but I don't see him.

I shouldn't be surprised. The other omegas explained that Jordan would be hidden somewhere out of sight, blindfolded until the right moment came. The next time I see him won't be until he catches me at the end of the chase.

The omegas guide me toward the unlit bonfire where the elders are waiting.

"Caleb, the time has come," Doug says. "Unleash your wolf and step into the woods. Once you leave the clearing, the chase will begin. Be fleet of foot, quick of thought, and forge your bond with true intent."

"I understand," I reply, my voice cracking slightly.

"Good luck, son." Doug winks at me reassuringly. "Remember to keep calm and stay focused. You can do this."

"Yes, sir," I murmur.

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