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"Go well, Caleb." Doug spreads his arms toward the tree line. "Have fun!"

With that, the elders turn and walk to the other side of the clearing.

Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply and remove my clothes, trying to mentally prepare myself for the chase.

I've never shifted in front of so many people before, but my wolf is eager to run. It doesn’t take much effort to tap into that primal urge and let it surge to the surface. My body shudders as my wolf takes over.

The scents of the forest fill my nostrils. My ears twitch as murmurs of approval ripple through the crowd around me. The soft earth feels soothing beneath my paws. It's been too long since I've taken my wolf form freely, and it feels glorious.

Shaking out my thick white coat, I stretch my back and legs before glancing at my surroundings.

Everyone is waiting for me to take the next step.

My wolf gives me confidence to focus my gaze on the trees nearby...and run.



I'm not used to waiting.

I'm rarely patient, and I have trouble sitting still for long periods of time.

But that's exactly what I'm doing now.

I've spent the past several minutes hiding, keeping myself concealed amongst the trees while waiting for Caleb to head into the forest. But now that the time has come, I can't quite muster the courage to step out.

There are so many things I didn't get the chance to talk to Caleb about. I should've discussed the chase, and what happens after, when we were alone last night. But somehow, I didn't think about it. I was so wrapped up in worry about everything else that I forgot this little detail.

How could I be so self-centered?

I glance over at my father, and he nods reassuringly.

He came to my hiding place a few moments ago for moral support. "Ready?"

I nod silently.

"You can do this," he whispers.

I take a deep breath, trying to convince myself that I believe him. "Yeah."

Swallowing hard, I nod again, giving my father a weak smile. Then I step out of the bushes.

The world around me is quiet except for the sound of my boots crunching against the grass. I take slow and steady steps into the woods. I'm nervous, but I manage to remain calm and focused.

A few yards before the tree line, I get undressed and summon my wolf. The familiar sensation of earth beneath my paws roots me in the present. My white coat gleams in the twilight, reflecting the light as if it were daytime.

The coloration is unique among my packmates, and it's always been a point of pride for me.

My nostrils flare as I catch Caleb's scent. I can't help but wonder what color his coat is.

The trail of my quarry is still fresh. He's not far.

Adrenaline floods my veins, and I unleash a preparatory howl. The gathered crowd of my packmates cheer in approval and urge me onward.

With three bounds, I reach the trees and dart into the underbrush, making sure to keep the scent of my prey with me, allowing my nose to lead me through the forest.

In this form, it’s easy to lose track of time and space. I'm so focused on following the scent that I completely forget about everything else. My mind goes blank, and my body becomes one with the forest around me.
