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The trees are thicker and the ground is softer as the smell of pine trees fills my nostrils. It's a gentle scent, but it reminds me of home as a cool breeze brushes against my face and ruffles my fur.

A stream babbles nearby. The wind rustles the leaves overhead. All around me, the sights and sounds of nature bring me a sense of peace.

Then I remember what I’m doing. The chase.

Surprisingly, Caleb is proving to be adept at evading my pursuit. More than once, his trail doubles back over itself, leading me in a circle.

But I'm persistent, refusing to give up. I continue to follow his scent, navigating around fallen logs and jumping over small streams.

There’s a flash of movement ahead of me, and I know it's him.

For just a moment, I get a glimpse of him as he pauses between the trees. He's lightly built, lithe and agile. Long legs and large ears. Golden eyes meet mine, even from this distance, and I'm in awe of him. His pure-white fur is a reflection of mine.

A rarity. A beauty.

I take a hesitant step forward. Is he going to let me catch him? I don't know how long we've been at this, but it's surely been long enough.

He tilts his head slightly, and his mouth opens as if in a smile.

I take another step.

Without warning, Caleb spins away and charges off between the trees.

I stumble to a halt and stare after him.

What is he doing?

Blinking rapidly, I try to clear my vision, unable to figure out what's happening.

He's running away. From me!

My heart pounds as I chase after him again, and a secret delight fills my chest. He's enjoying this. The thrill of the chase has energized him as much as it has me.

Catching sight of him again, my pace doubles. I'm determined to reach him. My senses are blind to everything but Caleb. He's everything I want. He's mine, and I will claim him.

I lunge after him, but this time, he veers to the right and disappears behind a tree.

Then I speed forward, following his scent. I push myself harder than I've ever pushed myself before. Night has fully settled over the forest now. The air is crisp and cold, and my lungs burn while the sweet scent of pine needles surrounds me.

Caleb's scent is strong, so I know I'm gaining on him. He must be getting tired.

I catch sight of him again and break into a run, chasing him down. As I draw close, he tries to dodge around me once again, but this time, I'm ready for him.

We collide in a tangle of limbs and fur.

I'm panting heavily as we roll to a stop with Caleb pinned below me wearing a playful grin on his face. My wolf recedes, satisfied by a successful hunt, and I return to my human form. As I shake away the last of my wolfish features, I find myself looking down at Caleb's human form once more.

Has he always been this beautiful? I think he has, and I was just too distracted to notice.

He blushes beneath my gaze, and I lean down to press my lips against his.

Caleb locks his arms around my neck, and his tongue flicks out to meet mine. We kiss for several moments before breaking apart for air.

Holding him tightly, I savor the feel of our naked bodies against each other.

"I've missed you," I murmur. I didn't realize just how true that was until the words left my lips. How had I become so attached to him in such a short time?

"Me too," he replies. "I'm sorry I ran off like that earlier."
