Page 10 of Master Calabrea

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Tansia’s eyebrows raise, and she gives me a smile that makes my dick throb. “While the mighty vampire stays in his Armani suite?”

I smirk. I’d like nothing better than to help her with that particular task, right down to the lacy little panties I envision she wears, but I don’t tell her that. We walk through the employee area and into a large break room. “I have a locker here with extra clothes. I’ll be changed before you are,” I tell her, gesturing to the men’s sign next to the ladies’.

“Shouldn't I at least let the boss know that I’m not going to be working at the club? Embry had a job for me coordinated before the whole translation gig came up? When all the fun and games are over, hopefully I’ll have a job that I can come back to,” she says.

Lucas is already speaking with the man who makes out the schedule for the club. "The manager already knows he needs to fill your spot for a while. You won’t lose your spot while you’re working for us.”

Tansia gives me an unsure look. “Okay, this time, hopefully I don’t have a run-in with one of your exes.”

She didn't ask for any of this. It’s not her fault she was partnered with me. She can’t help that Sierra is on the warpath. Although I probably could have prevented the whole thing by giving over to Sierra’s way of thinking and make her my mate. Then she’d have status, power, and perhaps be happy, and I would be miserable.

I give Tansia a wink as we reach separate doors. “Don't dawdle."

She narrows those lovely eyes at me. Her jade eyes flash annoyance, and her cupid shaped lips purse. "Don't be such a high-handed ass, and we might just survive this ordeal," she tells me, pulling her arm from my grasp, walking toward the bathroom in her tight black skirt and mesmerizing me with the sway of her ass atop her strappy heels for the second time tonight.

I can’t help but grin walking through the men’s locker room door. Hopefully she won’t slow me down too much when I meet with the lords, witch, and pack leaders who might be able to help us find Isala.

Three knocks on the door in rapid succession draw my attention. It opens slightly. “Quit dawdling,” Tansia says, before leaving me to finish changing and catch up to the sassy minx with wide bright mischievous eyes.

Trouble with a capital T that one.



Idip back into the dressing room to put my hair up since I have a few more minutes until he’s ready. When I come back out of the dressing room, I feel the heat of Master Calabrea’s gaze on my body from all the way across the room by the exit. My eyes are drawn to the powerful thighs encased in snug fitting jeans, right down to the big black boots. He wears a long Henley that wraps his muscular arms and a black leather jacket that looks well worn.

I should be downright annoyed that he’s managed to beat me back to the exit, even though I was ready first. Instead, every neuron in my body is alive with the thought of how his hands felt on my skin. Even the innocence of his touch caused ripples of heat to course through my veins. I can’t help wondering what it would feel like if he intended to do more with those hands.

I watch the six foot something, powerful vampire master who’s already retrieved our coats from the coat check. This magnetic attraction between the two of us can only lead to more trouble, but that doesn’t make one bit of difference to my traitorous body. It craves his touch and anything else he offers, because even the way he looks at me generates a sweet heat between my legs.

He watches me walk toward him as though he knows exactly what’s on my mind. Surely, he can’t? He puts his hand on my lower back and then holds my coat for me to slide into. I swear it’s like a million tingles of excitement slither down my spine and settle at my center.

Calabrea drapes the long dark wool coat he wore into the club on his arm, while I pull mine around me tighter as we walk out of the club. The dampness and breeze from the ocean this far south chills me to the bone even though the temperature is warmer than back home.

A black cape flies up from his body, gently floating on the breeze, pulling me close to the warmth of his body as it wraps gently around us. His voice is husky and dark and sends a wave of desire coursing through my blood. "Still, we're going to pay a visit to one of the witch leaders before we head back to my estate. Close your eyes, and don't think about anything except the warmth of my body next to yours.”

My cheeks heat with the forwardness of his words. My attraction to the big brute hasn’t gone unnoticed. He wraps his arm tightly around my waist. There’s nothing I’d rather be thinking about except his warmth as the cloak of darkness surrounds me.

I close my eyes, and when the hardness of the ground can no longer be felt, my arm snakes around his waist purely out of survival instinct. He must have anticipated my fear, pulling me closer, the cocoon of his cape holding me securely by his side.

My mind floats… It could be minutes or hours until the hardness of the ground can once again be felt underneath my feet, and the warmth of the cape opens, and the cold air from the outside seeps in around me.

He tips my chin to level my gaze to him. “You may feel a little dizzy or fatigued. Just hang onto me. It won’t take long to speakwith Matilda.” His eyes are red tinged, the way they got when he was riled up at the bar. "Are you upset with me?”

Calabrea shakes his head. "I'm not upset with you, Tansia. Quite the opposite, in fact. You made the journey well. Many vampires would be guzzling pure blood at this point. We didn't transport far, but still, not being used to it, you did well. There, see the W amid the brush in the hill? That's where we're going. Let’s get a little closer. I just wanted to see the surroundings first.”

“Okay. I’m ready.”

He laughs. “Hold my hand tight, and close your eyes. I won’t wrap you this time.”

I do as he's asked, but the minute my feet leave the ground, I have to look. I don't see anything in front of us, not the ground that was once there, the winter brush that we were looking at, or the W that we are supposed to be going to. All I see is darkness, like a vacuum. I close my eyes as my feet touch earth again and gasp as all the things that were just moments ago not there become visible again.


"You're to tell no one, not a soul. We usually don’t transport in front of or with humans," Master Calabrea says.

I nod. "I won't tell anyone. You have my word."
