Page 17 of Master Calabrea

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The wolf I’m still playing with fights with passion, and I let it play out for a while, but he doesn’t have a chance in hell. Heknows it and so do I, but still he pounces. I end him after a long, drawn-out fight with a heavy-handed slash of steel right across his chest, and then one to the neck, causing his head to bounce onto the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Tansia steps around the downed wolf and walks toward me, just as the sound of crashing branches can be heard a short distance away.

“They never travel alone these days, always with pack reinforcements,” Sheba says.

“Good, I was hoping if I strung the wolf along long enough, others would come and show their numbers. These bastards will eventually lead us to the evil bitch. Staying up wind from us won’t keep them safe,” I tell Sheba.

His head shakes back and forth. “The vampires keep killing them, but Isala keeps recruiting them. Sadly, my own packs grow smaller and smaller in number. If you follow them, I will double back, get some more of my own troupes, and then find you. Truth be told, I need to check on them. Make sure Isala’s packs haven’t done any damage to the ones I have left.”

I nod. “Do what you need to do, Sheba. Tansia and I will find them.”

Tansia’s eyes are focused on a tree in the distance. “I can see the path they’re taking,” she tells me.

Sheba looks from me to Tansia with curiosity but doesn’t say a word before leaping into the woods on his quest to find his own. I’m sure he, like everyone else, wonders if Tansia is a human, a human with magic and powers of sight, a witch, or some other creature that lives in the underworld, and why a pureblood vampire is partnered with her.

And many will ask the same question, but I do not report to them. And I give not two fucks what they think!

The scent of the mangy shifters leads us through the dense trees and over the field to a road that takes us into town. Thestench is heavy along the roadway, having permeated itself into the wintered grass and dirt that banks the highway leading into town.

We follow the scent until we get to the edge of the city and to a rundown bar. The bright neon sign flashes, letting anyone out on the city streets know the establishment is open for service and ready to take money in exchange for your drink of choice.

I guide Tansia into the club with a hand to her lower back. The men along the side of the bar as we walk in turn at the sound of the overhead bell, their greedy eyes feasting on Tansia.

My arm tightens around her instinctively. I draw her closer and walk purposely toward the back, still on the trail of the defecting shifter. I give a nod to the bartender, a trusted and loyal member of the vampire community for centuries as we walk past him to the door that will take us to the lower underground level. Another couple is walking up the stairs and we allow them to pass before we make our way down the narrow steps to the underground club below.

The room is throbbing with a seductive beat. It’s full of couples, human, vampires, male and female. The woman kneeling on the floor drinking from a crystal water dish with a red collar around her neck senses me. She turns, her eyes taking me in sending me a hungry look from her place on the floor.

Sierra’s eyes rake over Tansia and her eyes flash bright red.

I’ve seen that look one too many times from Sierra. She’s slumming tonight in this bar, usually all dressed up in hopes of catching a master vampire, lord, or warrior at the Descallia Clubs. A vampiress with insatiable needs, tastes that are fun for a while, but she, like many, always with an eye on someone who could offer power and willing to commit and eventually raise her status to queen.

Tansia looks from Sierra to me. Her lips purse, but she says nothing, averting her eyes from the slinky sex pot on the flooras I guide her to the bar. "A couple of the house sandwiches, a Descallia Red and a glass of red wine for Tansia," I tell the barkeeper before turning to her.

“Don’t let her intimidate you. I should have been much clearer about the end of our relationship. I wish I hadn’t tried to let her down easy and had been more direct, but in my defense, it wasn’t a relationship. We just hooked up a couple times.”

She gives me a smile, but it doesn’t go to her eyes, just a short little smile that barely turns the sides of her lips up.

I lean in close when the waiter comes to pour the glasses in front of us. "We're looking for a pack about five minutes ahead of us. I can still smell the scent of the mangy shifters. Where did they go?" I ask, as a young waitress brings our food.

The young vampire, a son of one of the trusted lords, nods. "I saw them come in. He went through to the bathroom, and they came in and met up with a group of shifters who reserved a room in the back. Another lone wolf came in just shortly after that and joined them. I didn't know you were looking for them or I would have given you a call.”

I tap the young vampire preparing to be one of our future warriors on the shoulder. “Not to worry.” I take a drink from the thick squat glass he hands me, giving the traitors some time to think they’re safe.

Tansia finishes her sandwich, takes another sip of her drink, and then sets her glass down. “I need to step into the ladies room, and then I’ll be ready," she says.

I turn my attention back to the barkeep as she walks toward the back. "How's business been? The lower level still busy?"

His eyes widen, and he nods with a big smile. "Booming since we added the play areas. Sierra still talks about you whenever she comes in. She's been making googly eyes at you since you walked through that door.”

“She likes the attention it brings her. There was never anything to talk about. Besides, it looks like she was keeping herself plenty entertained when I walked in.”

He laughs. "Always. The males and females are never far away from that one, that's for sure. Everyone's looking to partner up with her in the lower level. I think the calendar is full for the rest of the year and next year too. Good for business that she wore out her welcome at the Descallia.

I laugh. "She still hangs out there too. Glad your business is going so well, though. You'll do well if you follow the guidelines we talked about. And not letting this bar keep all of your attention. Focus on your training for the warriors.”

“Absolutely,” he says, but then his eyes go dark. "Hey!" he yells, just as a shove to my arm causes me to turn suddenly, looking into the drunken eyes of the vampire who moments ago held the leash to the vivacious blonde's collar. "I saw her looking at you when you walked in. You stay away from her vampire. I don't care who you are. She doesn't belong to you anymore, Calabrea.”

My growl rumbles through the club, shaking glasses on the table. "It's Master Calabrea to you, insolent, and she never belonged to me in the first place. Go back to what you were doing before I have you removed from the club, understand?"
