Page 37 of Master Calabrea

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My eyebrows raise. “That’s not something that came with turning you, Tansia.”

She nods. “I know. It took me a while to settle into my power, but I have it. I don’t know how or why, but I believe in destiny, and this is mine. This life, with you and with those powers, and I intend to use them fully for the good of the vampire community.”

“Lucianna has been waiting for the rogues to come again since she returned, love. She was sent back to be with Descallia, to be by his side. The woman with crystalline green eyes the Vade Mecum calls her.”

I look deep into her eyes, recalling the words that were used to describe Tansia, not too far off from that; a woman with powers of sight, red ringlets, and crystal jade eyes will partner with a fierce and noble vampire leader.

I send a text to Descallia, and his reply puts my worries to rest. “She and Descallia are fine,” I tell Tansia. “But you’re right. She feels them swirling in her mind but believes we have time. She thinks you may be able to see farther into the future than most. They’re having a quiet evening, talking about what’s to become of her sister. I’m sure it’s not easy for her knowing that the woman she had an in separable bound for centuries will die under the hands of her mate.

Tansia nods. “It’s so sad. Why in the world would a sister turn on the other. I would give anything to have sisters. Angel was the closest thing to a sister that I’ve ever had. I couldn’t imagine for the life of me turning on her.”

“Sleep, love. You’ve had an exhausting night. I have a little work to do, and then I’ll join you. We’ll go see Descallia and Lucianna when it grows dark,” I tell her, kissing her lips and tucking her back into the comfort of the bed.

Tansia takes my hand and tries to pull me back into bed. “Sleep, love, or I will ravage you to sleep,” I tell her.

“Promises, promises,” she whispers, but she’s already fast asleep, exhausted from battles to prove her worth before being accepted into our world, and battles she fought to prove it even after all the worry that comes with knowing far too much about what the future holds.

I head downstairs and pour myself a glass of Descallia Red. My fierce little warrior. How I was chosen to have such a bravehearted mate is beyond me, but I will spend the rest of eternity loving her and protecting what is mine.



Adarkness settles over my sleep like a smothering blanket, blacking out the dream that was swirling in my mind. One of love and eternal bliss, and of Master Calabrea kissing me under the brilliance of a full moon.

I try to remove the covering, but it becomes tighter and tighter, the darkness suffocating me with its power. Through it all I can see a large form stooping over Isala’s frame, cloaking her with his cape and strangling her with his hands.

The dark cape is undeniably familiar…

I will myself from the bed and out of the dank darkness. Shaking off the nightmare, I grab a t-shirt laying out, step into my boots, and grab his holster from the chair. I transport to the warehouse where Isala is fighting for her life. I may not have any desire to save the wretched bitch, but if darkness wants her dead, there is a reason.

And I intend to find out what that is, right here and now. “Hey!” I yell, causing the cape to swirl around in the air, revealing the bright red eyes, so hauntingly familiar. The one from my dream, trying to smother me like he’s now smothering Isala.

I draw a dagger, fully intending to put it into the front of his chest. “Who are you, and what do you want?”

He laughs. “You know exactly who I am, don’t you? The very reason you’re not going to walk out of here alive.”

The shape of his body, the squared forehead, and the eyes that look like they can see right through you. My mind swirls with all the possibilities mentally ticking off all the vampires I’ve come into contact with, who I’ve known over the years, and something finally clicks…


Lucas laughs. An evil deep throated laugh that sends a chill of fear right down my spine because when he comes into the light, it’s clear. But no one is ever going to believe it. I don’t believe it. Refuse to, but yet he stands right before me flaunting the very thing that I would deny to even myself.

My chest pounds. “How can you live with yourself. You’re supposed to be Overmaster Descallia’s right-hand man. You and Isala? Are you going to kill her to keep your secret? If so, you’re too late, traitor, because you’ll have to get through me!”

He turns from Isala and flies through the air, his fangs descended in an instant rage. His eyes are red, but there’s something else, a haziness, and when he reaches me and draws his sword, it’s slow and inept, not the skill that a master swordsman like Overmaster Descallia’s right-hand man has become over the centuries. Something isn’t right, but I don’t have time to dwell as he swings his blade.

I step back into a stance, ready to move, thrust, and jab until he is no longer a threat. He may be off his game tonight, but still a worthy opponent in his own right, and even on offense it takes careful timing and play to keep him from changing positions.

Our swords clank, steel against steel, blades sliding against blades, the force of our weight holding the other from making that fatal thrust.


I turn to see Embry racing into the warehouse, but it was just the distraction he needed. His blade slices the top of my shoulder, just missing my neck. I turn, Lucas or not, he’s not walking out of here alive.

“Wait!” he’s not himself. “It’s the witches,” Embry cries, racing into the warehouse with Angel and Raven running right behind her. “They’ve put a spell on him. I followed him because he wasn’t acting right.”

Spell or not, I’m not letting him take off my head, but killing the right-hand vampire of the overmaster won’t win me any points with the consulate. “Lucas, put that sword down, right the fuck now!” Embry yells at him.
