Page 4 of Master Calabrea

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My eyes narrow at the arrogant prick. Master Vampire or not, he should have more manners than that. He may have all the other vampiresses or whatever they’re called here at the club, swooning at his feet, but I couldn’t give a rat’s ass who he is.

He’s just plain rude…

Master Calabrea feels the heat of my glare and looks up at me again as though I’ve disrupted something more important than what he’s doing. His eyebrows lift sardonically, seemingly bored and disinterested although the rims of his eyes redden as his glance trails down my body.

Yeah, not likely, asshole. Still, his eyes heat my skin, warm my insides, and cause my pulse to race.

Lucas places his arm around Embry. He leans in close to ask her something. All she's ever wanted is to be his and to be part of his world. He's the nicest vampire I've ever met, not that I've met that many. Still, the stories about how they came to be, how they fought to get where they are in society, and how they drink pure blood causes an involuntary shiver to snake down my spine. I’m genuinely happy for the life she’s chosen, to be one of them, and to be his, but no thank you…

She and our gramma can have the vampires.... Especially a skirt-chasing vampire like the one who can’t seem to keep his eyes in his head and off my boobs now that I’ve moved around to the other side of the table and settled in.

I may be appreciative for the job and have a high regard for the vampires in the community, but I’m not naïve. At least not anymore. That woman was left broken by a lying, deceitful, and scamming man leaving me with the only gift he could, a healthy dose of mistrust and self-survival around the opposite sex. Embry may have been totally obsessed with them, always wanting to hear more of the bloody war stories from the time she was little, but not me.

Overmaster Descallia clears his throat. “Master Calabrea will be running point on a new assignment. He, Lucianna, and I met here last night to identify some of the barriers and risks that we want to avoid as we look for Isala.” He looks pointedly at me. “That’s where you can help.”

He doesn’t seem to care that I have no idea what he’s talking about or why they plan to discuss this in my presence.

Lucianna touches Overmaster Descallia’s hand, and he pauses mid-sentence as she gives me a bright smile. “Tansia, I'm so glad you decided to move and come to work for us at The Descallia. Embry has told us so many wonderful things about you and the skills you possess. The reason we decided to meet tonight and include you is we have an offer to make.”

“An offer?” I look from her to Embry and then back to Lucianna.

Lucianna nods. "I know Embry is thrilled that you're in Italy now, and of course we're thrilled to have you here.” She looks to Embry, and her eyes narrow in question. “You really didn’t tell her anything?”

Embry gives her a swirl of her eyes, laughing as she looks between the two of us. “She was in flight. I thought we could just spring it on her. Way more fun that way.”

I narrow my eyes at Emery, usually only half exasperated by my spirited cousin’s antics but more so today as the dark eyes of the vampire master across the table bore into me. "Tell me what?"

Embry’s eyes swirl with mischief. “See, now Tansia is all settled in, and most importantly, she’s had a little wine. I was just waiting for the right moment,” she tells Lucianna with a grin. I don’t think Lucianna is enjoying the position she’s been put in while my cousin is enjoying keeping me in the dark just a little too much.

Embry turns to me. “We have a job to do here in Italy. We’re trying to find someone, and there are a multitude of languages. Master Calabrea is well versed in most, but not as familiar with others. You’re a master in so many dialects, and we just thought…”

I inhale deeply, because getting to the point for Embry could take a while. She must see the look of exasperation that I tried to hide. “We need a good translator, someone we trust. You know all the languages and the culture of so many different countries. We were hoping you would help us, go with us on the assignment. We can’t tell you too much about it right now, but you would be helping the vampires with something very important. Something that would help all the factions, really, humans too.”

Lucianna smiles and nods, taking a sip of her wine as her mate glares at me as though the few seconds it’s taking to respond is testing whatever little patience he has.

Master Calabrea scowls, his jaw set firmly as he watches me struggle for an answer from his seat next to mine.

His more than obvious disapproval fuels a less than well thought-out decision. “I know everything there is to know about Italy and the surrounding countries, the cultures, and all of the dialects that are often used from travelers not always from around these parts. I'd love to help with anything that you need.” Lucianna lets out an internal sigh of relief as Overmaster Descallia gives me a half smile. “Good,” he says, “then it is settled. We have a translator.”

Master Calabrea turns his dark red rimmed eyes to me. "You should consider this carefully. You may have a very good understanding of the different languages, but there is danger in what we plan to do and for anyone who plans to help us. Are you prepared for that?"

I swallow past the lump in my throat, kicking myself internally for the brash decision but bound and determined not to let this asshole see it. He’s not going to intimidate me, no matter who he is or how important his title is. “I wouldn’t have taken the job, otherwise. Are you prepared, Master Calabrea?”I ask, ignoring his glower that sends heat coursing through my body and the grins from the ladies around the table.



Lucianna tosses a knowing smile my way before Overmaster Descallia guides his mate away to mingle with a couple who are sitting at the bar. I don’t miss the slight nudge of Embry’s elbow as it pokes Lucas in the side either. “We should dance,” Embry says, giving Tansia wide eyes before tugging Lucas onto the dance floor for a round of dancing before the meal is served.

A waitress stops at the table, saving me from an uncomfortable silence. "Would you care for a drink?" I ask the impertinent young human who I now find myself completely alone with.

Her deep green eyes sparkle but her lips are pursed, clearly annoyed at being left alone with me too. “A glass of red wine, please.”

I turn to the waitress. “A bottle of our best red, please.” When my gaze falls to Tansia, she’s watching the stage. The female on stage stretches like a cat across the open stage, keeping her eyes pointedly fixed on me.

I avert my gaze…

Always better not to give them any reason to think you’re interested. Otherwise, you will have a tail for the rest of theevening, whether it’s welcome or not. Every female I meet these days seems to smell the money and power that come with the master title.

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