Page 42 of Master Calabrea

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Overmaster ignores the rustle among us. “After a long and arduous hunt, we were able to recapture Isala, finally. We couldn’t have done it without some of you around the table, your mates, Devora and Roman.”

The group splits into quietly whispered side conversations, and this time Overmaster Descallia brings the hammer down hard. “I know many of you question working with the syndicate, but in this, we were united because it benefited both groups. Like it or not, Roman is now the don of the syndicate and many of our most profitable endeavors are connected with his, along with the more obvious, personal connections of his sister’s relationship with Trentino.”

“These things are not going to change. We must accept them and continue moving forward, working with our friends and enemies in order to maintain our rein of power in this century.The rogues would like nothing better than for us to give them an opportunity. They are watching to see who our allies and enemies really are. We need to be smart, strategic.”

There’s a rustle around the room, and he brings his gavel down again. “However,” he raises his hands as a few of the masters begin to say something. “We also need to fully understand our boundaries with the syndicate and others. Roman and I have set those very clearly after another conversation today. Our businesses will continue but make no mistake there will be areas that we disagree about and will battle over if necessary.”

Now you can hear a pin drop as everyone leans forward to listen. “Roman was instrumental in finding the syndicate leaders who were working with the rogues. They, and Isala, are all dead. Roman has provided proof that the elders were taken care of, and I have personally overseen these same matters with Isala since it was Lucianna’s sister.”

“What about the wolves who were taken against their will?” Master Tuscano asks. “Right, and the witches too? Not all of them were working with Isala on their own accord,” Master Romano says.

Overmaster Descallia nods. “As of this morning, many of the shifters who defected were rounded up by our men across the globe after being provided with pack locations from Isala.”

Not one member asks for details about the interrogation, having heard the rumors of what happens to those who betray Overmaster Descallia’s trust, but knowing that he also would want to protect Lucianna from such details.

“The rogues will not stop. Lucianna and others have had visions of them coming. It will happen soon. The witches on the list Roman provided to me must be captured and made to pay for their treachery to both us and their own. I have the permission of Devora to capture them, but it will not be easy.”

They have not bunkered into the hills as many have done. No, these witches want nothing of that way of life. You will find them in the middle of the night life in the Campania region. He nods to Master Campania. “You will lead the charge, hunt them down in their night clubs; wherever they hang out and bring them to us.”

The room is solemn around the table. “I will travel back yet tonight. He looks around the room. If they are in my region, I will find them, and they will rue the day they ever betrayed us with the rogues,” Master Campania says.

Tuscano is always respectful, but more outspoken than some. He asks the question that is on the tip of many of our tongues. “The warriors. Were any of the warriors on the list Roman provided?”

Overmaster Descallia’s eyes are dark orbs as he looks pointedly around the table, measuring each of us with the intensity of his gaze. Let’s suffice it to say that there are traitors among us, and I will personally make them pay…
