Page 41 of Master Calabrea

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“Get something to drink for my friend before the rest of our party arrives?” She turns to me. “What do you want?”

She doesn’t wait for me to respond, nodding emphatically, as she takes in all the colorful drinks on the tables around the club. “You should try something different. Something we’ve never had before. We’re starting to get in a rut, you know that?”

Embry shifts on the stool, and I place my hand on her arm to steady her. “Give my friend a classy drink with a kick; oh, and make sure she gets one of those cute little umbrellas please,” she tells Francei.”

“How many of those drinks have you had?” I ask Embry, picking up her now empty glass as the bartender begins to make her another.

He rolls his eyes skyward, and she gives me a glare. “This makes four, and I’ve already sent Lucas a text to pick her up.”

Embry’s eyes flash with heat at the well-meaning barkeep. “There was no need to do that. I don’t want nor need a babysitter tonight.”

His dark knowing eyes meet hers. “You left me no choice, no?” Francei sets the drink down in front of her with a thud. “And you need to eat,” he says, placing a tri compartment dish of nuts, pretzels, and popcorn in front her.”

I settle myself in for a while, because clearly my cousin has something on her mind, and worry for Lucas has to be at the forefront. “I’ll have a Descallia Red. Thanks for looking out for Embry tonight.”

Francei beams. “You’re welcome. You ladies are like family. I would hate for anything to happen to her because she has had way too much to drink.”

My eyes widen as Embry turns a purple glare at him. He’s not wrong, though. I also think that if any bartender in the Descallia didn’t look out for Embry or any of the ladies at the bar, Lucas would have them thrown out on their heads for allowing her to come anywhere near danger, if it’s the self-induced kind.

She turns to me. Her eyes are hazy and red rimmed around the pretty violet swirls. “You know what bothers me the most?”

I don’t have a chance to reply before she’s rambling again. “When he came home the other night. I knew something was different. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but…” Tears well in her eyes. “Maybe I liked it. Liked the way he was acting, the difference? Maybe that’s why in my subconscious it didn’t really resonate that it could be one of their evil spells.”

I pull her into my arms. “It’s not your fault; it’s not his fault, and whatever is going on between the two of you, you’re going to have to sit down and hash it out for good. You can’t keep waffling in this head space where you don’t know if you’re really right for each other. It’s not good for you or him.”

Embry takes a big swallow of her drink, and I lean back, the fumes from the alcohol enough to intoxicate both of us. She places her glass down with a thud. “You’re right. Tonight, after he gets back from the meeting, that’s when we’re going to iron this thing out.”

She rubs her hands across the marble of the bar. “Iron everything out, smooth. Get every single wrinkle in our relationship out,” she says, her arms stretching to either side of her so far that she’s almost laying on the bar. Francei rolls his eyes, and I give him a wink. “I’ve got this,” I tell him.

He heads down the bar to another patron, just as Lucianna walks in with Angel and Raven and a couple who I haven’t met. The coat check takes their outerwear, and they come over to the bar. “Maybe we should get a table?” I tell Lucianna, who hasn’t missed her friend’s condition.

“Good idea,” she says. “Francei, can you have someone add another table to Descallia’s and bring some more chairs, please?” she asks.

He grins. “Excellent idea,” he says, surely happy to have Embry sing her sad songs to someone else who will listen to her for a while. Lucianna introduces me to the others I haven’t met and before long we have pitchers of margaritas in front of us, and Embry’s troubles have seemed to disappear; at least for a while.

The dance music changes as Embry returns from the bathroom, and she looks as guilty as she should. Every single one of us know it’s her who asked for the change when she tugs us each by the arm, trying to get us onto the floor.

My face hurts from laughing so much as we give in and get in a row and start the line dance. We laugh even harder when one after another of us misses the steps and tries desperately to get back into step.

I feel the heat of a stare and look up. My chest tightens with apprehension as the men guarding us close the door of the club and turn their automatic weapons on the crowd, stalking toward the seven of us with deep red eyes and descended fangs.



Overmaster Descallia brings the gavel down at the end of the long oval table, calling the consulate meeting to order. His face is solemn and grave, and no one tests his patience with side chatter tonight.

All the masters have heard the rumors of the last week and are curious to learn what’s happened to Lucas who is sitting by our overmaster’s side, and Isala, who everyone assumes is no more.

He looks from one to each of us and clears his throat. “We have a lot to discuss, so we’ll get started. We tried to keep it as quiet as we could, but I understand we have personal connections that make that almost impossible at times. A spell was cast on Lucas. We’ve had it removed, and there is much more to talk about, but all of you should be aware that it happened. And that without warning, it can happen.”

All eyes turn to Lucas, some questioning and others wide with surprise having not already heard the details surrounding the night before.

The masters are all glued to every word Overmaster Descallia has to say, most looking from him to Lucas. Where once I may have disapproved of Roman’s choice in a mate, myopinion about Raven has long since changed having watched her dedication to ensuring the safety of the vampires and her unwavering devotion to my brother even when the witches have been involved. “Last night, Raven, once again showed her dedication to our family by taking him to Devora and having it removed. When we decide next year on the fate of her within our family, I would suggest each of you remember this day when you cast your vote.”

The masters do not say a word, but many of those among us, should think long and hard before casting a no vote in regard to Raven. I personally will make sure that I am among those trying to turn those who would cast a negative vote. “As you can see, Lucas is with us tonight, but still under the weather, still feeling the effects of a powerful spell cast by one of our enemies.”

Trentino raises his hand. “And to clarify, it wasn’t Devora? She’s helping us now?” he asks. I know his feelings about Devora, believing she helped the men who captured his mate, and even now, you can see the uncertainty all over his face.
