Page 6 of Master Calabrea

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Overmaster Descallia scowls. “If they remove you, they’ll need to deal with me. They may not answer to the vampires, but they sure as hell won’t want to lose all the territory. In addition, we’ve given them discounts on product that we control. You help Master Calabrea and the special ops team, and Tansia of course. Help us find Isala and when this is all over, we’re going to ensure you’re still presiding don. We may not see eye to eye on all things, and I doubt we ever will, but we both want to ensure there is not an outright war.

Roman nods. He tips his wine glass, and everyone does, likewise, toasting to a plan that helps pave the way to our future, one that leaves us in bed with the fucking syndicate.

I don’t know that Roman is a good man or that partnering with him doesn’t just simply win the approval of both the humans and most of the vampires because he and Descallia are known. But whatever Descallia has up his sleeve, hopefully leads us to the ones at the top of the syndicate who are helping conspire with Isala, but at least we’re all clear now what the immediate objective is.

Isala is the priority.

Take her alive and bring her to Overmaster Descallia, trust a bunch of people I barely know with my life, and babysit the two females who are laughing and talking amongst themselves like schoolgirls.

My jaw locks tight…

Tansia’s head turns as if drawn to my thoughts. Her deep jade eyes focus on mine, mesmerizing me with their intensity.

Ice queen.

Her eyes flash, her lips purse, and I brace myself for an onslaught of her sassy but hot little tongue.



The master vampire looks at me with disdain. It’s as though he's just been given the worst news in the world. Well, I'm not that thrilled to be spending more time with the arrogant prick myself but helping my cousin, yes. I would do anything for her, and I’m not going to let the grumpy vampire stand in my way.

I glance at the syndicate don as he interacts with Overmaster Descallia. He seems cool, calm, and collected. He tugs at the white shirt below his suit every once in a while, as his piercing eyes scan the room.

The heat of Master Calabrea's eyes constantly warms my skin, my focus gravitating toward him as though magnetically drawn.

My eyes rake over Master Calabrea. The blood in my veins thrums as his eyes redden around the rims, heating my insides with the lust of his look.

I avert my eyes…

Under no condition do I plan to be taken in by mister dark and good-looking master vampire who looks at me as though I may be his next meal. Embry may have her heart set on Lucas and a vampire life, but that's where she and I differ. I'll takesomeone who doesn't want to snack on me in the middle of the night, thank you very much. And after the last breakup a year ago, I'll take hanging out with friends over a serious relationship any day.

The intensity of his eyes on my skin does not waver, causing my blood to race. I swallow down the tongue lashing he deserves because getting into it with him could be nothing but trouble. I have a job to do, and it’s not playing kiss or tell, or anything else with the handsome vampire master.

Embry turns my way and begins talking about the city and all there is to do. Shopping, restaurants, and gazillion tours we can take. After a while my nerves begin to settle and my blood begins to calm.

The sultry blonde from the stage who was making googly eyes at Master Calabrea earlier prowls over to the table. She places her hand on his shoulder, letting her long red fingernails stroke his chest while keeping her eyes pointedly fixed on me. “Master Calabrea, so good to see you in the club. I’m on for another set in about an hour. Perhaps you’ll still be here when I finish?”

He turns to look into her eyes. “Only a business trip this time, I’m afraid, Sierra.”

Her jet-black eyes redden around the perimeter, and her fangs descend as she glares at me. Embry smirks at me, while the vampiress gushes about seeing him next time he comes into the club before she moves on.

Embry leans over to me and whispers, “Sierra would like to rip you to pieces with those claws and fangs of hers about now. She’s had her sights on Master Calabrea for a very long time.”

I glance over at Calabrea. He’s already engaged in a serious conversation with the other masters. “Is it mutual?” I ask, only out of curiosity and nothing else.

She grins. “Well, he is male. I’m sure he’s taken advantage of her generous spirit a time or two,” she says.

I watch Sierra as the sexy vampiress makes her way to the bar, still dressed in nothing but little bits of skimpy material she’s placed around her nudeness. The male eyes track her sultry movements as she sways across the floor. “It’s true what they say. Males think with their dicks. Who needs them?” I ask.

Embry’s eyes soften. “One day you’re going to find someone worthy of you, who you can actually trust. I promise.”

I swallow down a retort. “Probably not in this lifetime. I need to run to the ladies room,” I whisper, looking around for a sign.

Everyone around the table is deep in conversation. She gestures toward the back of the lounge, in the far-right corner. “I’ll come with you,” Embry says. No one looks up as we excuse ourselves from the table, but I can feel a pair of searing eyes heating my skin as we make our way through the club.

I don’t need eyes in the back of my head to know who’s watching me. Like it or not, that vampire has a way of making me feel his presence right through my core.
