Page 7 of Master Calabrea

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Embry takes the first stall in the otherwise empty bathroom. I pull a compact from my purse, and dab a little powder around my cheeks, before rummaging around to find my lipstick which is where it always is, at the bottom of my purse.

The door opens, and I glance up.

Sierra’s fangs are descended as she walks in and closes the door behind her. She doesn’t waste a moment or play coy. She hovers across the room, right into my face, her breath hot and smelling of alcohol tinged with a scent I don’t even recognize.

I swallow down maybe a little repulsion. The smell of blood, no doubt, and she looks like she’s out for mine.

She doesn’t give me any kind of warning before striking out with those claws.

I was prepared for that far before the attack. I block her hand with mine with the strength of years of martial arts training. The nails from her other hand catch the side of my face. I wince in pain and twist her arm harder, pushing it up and back until she cries out with pain, before smashing her in the chin with my other elbow.

She lets out an angry high-pitched squeal and licks her scarlet painted lips, which are now red with her own blood, no doubt readying herself for another round.

My stance is strong, prepared for another onslaught even while trying to stave it off. “You come near me again, and next time I’ll break your arm and your jaw. Those were just warnings. I have no beef with you. Stay away from me.”

Embry steps out of the stall, her eyes blazing purple and her fangs fully descended. My cousin is ready to jump into this cat fight if needed, but I’ve never needed someone to fight my battles, and I don’t need it now.

Sierra’s eyes flash at Embry. “You side with human trash?”

Embry growls, something I’ve never heard from her before. “That human has more soul than you’ll ever have. She doesn’t have eyes on Master Calabrea, but from what I saw he doesn’t have eyes for you either. Get over it and move on, Sierra. There are more than enough males out there who would love to rub their dicks all over a skank like you.”

Sierra’s eyes blaze red with anger. “You’ll pay for that. You’re not even a pureblood. The masters are letting anyone into our community these days.” She turns on a pair of stilted high heels and stalks out the door.

I dab my face with a wetted paper towel and then try to tame down the flaming red line across my cheek with more face powder. “Superficial. You won’t even see it in a few days,” I tell Embry. “Are all you vampires this territorial?” I ask, trying toerase the worry from my cousin’s face as she stands watching me in the mirror.

She grins. “We can be. If someone even looks at Lucas, I’m ready to throw down.”

I put my lipstick on while Embry washes up at the sink. “Remind me to steer clear of miss thing. Welcome to vampire land,” I joke.

Embry tucks her own lipstick back in her purse and frowns as she looks at me in the mirror. “You need to take something like this seriously. She may come after you again. I know you’re well versed in martial arts, but vampires, we have instinct on our side. It’s like we can anticipate every single move before you make it. It’s hard to explain. It’s like a hyper sixth sense that I never had when I was human.”

I don’t discount the warning, because I’ve never been in combat with anyone but humans, but still, the same training should apply. “Hopefully the horny one has found some poor unsuspecting vampire to sync her fangs into,” I tell my cousin as we make our way from the bathroom back to the table.

Master Calabrea’s eyes narrow the minute he spots the scratch I tried to cover up. “What happened?” He’s looking at me, but Embry answers.

Her eyes flash, and the purple colors all swirl together. “Sierra is in heat. She caught Tansia in the bathroom. You need to keep a leash on your playthings after you discard them or protect unsuspecting woman like Tansia.”

He doesn’t answer Embry, instead turning his full attention to me. “You tangled with Sierra and came out with a mere scratch. Did you need me to protect you?” Calabrea asks with a raised eyebrow.

The blood in my veins races with a myriad of emotions, embarrassed at attention being called to the little bathroom incident. Acting as though it’s not his fault the fight began in thefirst place, and I can certainly take care of myself. Damn Embry and her big mouth all to hell.

His eyes flash, drawing my full attention back to him, but I don’t intend to avert my gaze or hold my tongue this time.



Tansia doesn't answer my question at first, but her eyes narrow to slits as though I've somehow challenged her in a way that wasn't intended.

Her jade eyes bore into me. “I don't know how much Embry has told you about me, but not only am I fluent in a multitude of different languages and countless dialects, but I can take care of myself when I need to," she says, her eyes flashing in defiance.

Lucianna, always trying to keep the peace, takes a sip of the Descallia Red that's been placed in front of her. "Tansia is a master in the martial arts, just like Isala," she says.

My eyes narrow at her slight frame. “She can't be more than five-five and a half or a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet.” I regret saying the words out loud as soon as they come out of my mouth. They weren’t intended as an insult, but Tansia’s eyes go wide with indignation.

I should say something, but the jade eyes glaring at me entrances me, curiosity taking over to find out how she’ll react.

She’s not given the chance, though. Instead, Embry intervenes on her behalf. "Don't let her size fool you, and no disrespect, but she can probably kick some of you masters allover this place." Embry laughs as Descallia's eyebrows raise, and Lucianna hides a grin.
