Page 8 of Master Calabrea

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I can’t say I’m not intrigued by the young woman who couldn’t care less about my title and causes my dick to heat, but she hardly looks like a warrior to me. "Is that right?” I tell Embry, well aware the others around the table are curiously tuned in. "Well, perhaps your cousin would like to go a few rounds in the gym? I could always use a good sparring partner," I tell Embry, but watching as Tansia's creamy cheeks heat with color.

Those jade eyes spark with the challenge, while my dick throbs at the thought of her below me on the mat.

She shrugs. "Sorry to disappoint you, but my partners are usually much larger than you and trained in martial arts. I have a responsibility to those less experienced not to use my skill against them. I wouldn’t want anyone left hurt on the mats."

Embry licks a finger and sticks it in the air. "Score one for team Tansia," she says, standing from her chair to spin around in her shortie boots and little skirt.

Lucas tries unsuccessfully to keep a straight face at the antics of his young charge. He may find her insolence humorous, but I do not. Master Descallia scowls at Embry and then looks to his mate. Lucianna’s eyes glow bright green as though lit up by whatever he said, although not one word leaves his lips. “I agree," she says, nodding thoughtfully.

Embry rolls her eyes dramatically as she sits back down. "Agree with what? You do remember not all of us are telepathic"—she gestures between Overmaster Descallia and Lucianna—“or whatever you want to call that thing you two do that none of the rest of us can hear.”

Lucianna grins, but then turns serious. "Roman got a call while you two were having fun with Sierra in the bathroom. The rogue shifters have grown in numbers and have split up intoat least four groups, all heading different directions. Roman’s people think they’re dispersing from the pack, playing shell games to try to throw us off the scent and get Isala to safety. We need to do the same; split up and find her before more innocents are sucked into her evil little web.”

Finally, we’re going to get down to business. “I’ll connect with a few of my sources and leaders in the territory right away,” I assure the group, finishing my drink for the night. My patience has grown weary of planning, and it’s time for action.

“Master Calabrea knows this territory better than anyone. Hopefully with Tansia’s translation help you can learn something that no one would tell the rest of us,” Lucianna says.

I hardly think the snip of a woman is going to help me get information out of people I’ve known for centuries, but if babysitting is what they want, far be it from me to spoil their plans.

Overmaster Descallia is not usually one for patience either. Why he feels so strongly about this planning and special operations team is beyond me. Other than we can’t trust our own. He looks to me and then to Tansia. "You'll go ahead with Calabrea. I want you to partner with him and learn where they’ve taken Isala. The best chance we have of getting real time, on the ground intel, is to have you two working together on the streets.”

I start to interject, but the flash of his eyes leaves no room for argument. “Until Isala is safely secured in my warehouse with no chance of escape this time, the two of you"—he gestures between Tansia and I—"are inseparable."

My jaw locks tight with even greater irritation at being slowed down first with all the planning and gathering of all these people. Certainly myself and a couple trusted warriors could have gained much more ground than we have at this point. Overmaster Descallia is a fearless, fair, and just leader whowould never typically spend this much time between learning the location of the enemies last spotting and setting the troupes on their way.

The looks that keep flashing between he and his mate, tells me there is far more to the story than the members at this table really know. I glance at Tansia, who looks up and meets my eyes. I hope she’s ready for a shit show of the most proportional levels because I’m afraid that’s exactly what we’re walking into.

She doesn’t look frightened, though. If the scratch on her cheek is the only thing she walked away with from a fight with Sierra, Tansia’s martial arts skills must be far better than I presumed. This is good because she’s going to need every bit of that training when going up against factions in the underworld.

I give a nod to Overmaster Descallia. “Let’s get the rest of the assignments laid out and go find that traitorous bitch before she has a chance to disappear in the wind again.”



My mouth gapes at Overmaster Descallia’s order. Being paired with the arrogant vampire master for just a short while to translate was bad enough, now he wants us together until we find Isala. Holy hell. That could be days, weeks even. I start to say something, but the look on the vampire Overmaster’s face causes me to hold my tongue initially.

Embry's eyes swirl with emotion, though. She looks like she's going to blast Overmaster Descallia, but one slight shake of the head from Lucianna and she keeps it to herself. We all know Embry's never been known for keeping her mouth shut. I highly doubt she's about to start now, at least for very long, but for now she pacifies her friend.

Hanging out in Italy and helping them find this Isala while I get my head back into living again is far from the worst thing that could have happened. However, being glued to the Master Vampire who sends a shiver of anticipation down my spine, and heat to my core—that I'm not so sure about.

The angst of being alone with the powerfully muscled vampire with intense eyes wins over. “Master Calabrea knows the people well enough to deal with them without me. Perhaps Iwould be of better assistance to those of you not as familiar with the area?”

Overmaster considers what I’ve said for a minute. Probably just long enough to dismiss it. “The fact that Master Calabrea knows many so well could work against us too. Go with him, listen for things that may clue you into deceit and dishonesty. I’ve been on the receiving end of having more people than I’d like to admit betray me without a clue until their plan has launched.”

Lucianna and Embry both nod their heads in agreement.

“Our emotions get in the way. We discount things from people we know that should make us leery or question, but instead we make up reasons why our instincts can’t be right. No, we will divide and conquer and regroup when we know where Isala is. Until that time, you will be in good hands with Master Calabrea."

I give Embry wide eyes. So much for negotiating with the vampire.

At least he actually listened and didn’t bite my head off for questioning his plan. But spending time alone with Master Calabrea is not what I had in mind when I signed up for this job, and I’m not easily dissuaded. “At least Embry should stay with us too?” I ask.

Before anyone can answer, a half drunken man stumbles toward me and almost topples into my chair. I stand to steady my chair and brush hands with Calabrea who already has the back of it and his other on my lower back to prevent me from toppling. "Hey, honey,” the guy slurs. “You gonna stand here and yammer all night with these blood suckers or get me another whiskey?"

I glance around the table, unsure why I’ve been singled out except for the black color of my dress. I may not work for the club in the waitstaff capacity, but surely disrespect like thatfrom or about anyone shouldn’t be tolerated. Either way, I’m not putting up with it. "I think you've had more than enough to drink tonight. Maybe you should just head home and sleep it off."

The leering bastard glares at me through bloodshot eyes and then with no warning lunges at me. I step back and into the hard wall of Calabrea’s core. The man trips on my chair, causing it to bump into the table and spill wine from the glasses onto the fine white linen tablecloth.
