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“Somuchcanturnin a day!” Nonna hollers, but she has no idea.

Or does she?

I’m out of the shower dressed in a cute black satin kimono designed with colorful dragonflies. Nonna insisted I wear it, and here we are again, in the tea room, but now the sun is setting in front of us. The space feels magical and promising, so I think I may tell Nonna my truth.

“You told me today we were going to talk openly about love and feelings and all that jazz, and then you disappeared.”

Grandma places tea in front of me. She’s also dressed in a kimono, scarlet red with black butterflies and swirls of circles on it. Her silver hair is in a lovely bun, and her lips are red. I guess she had red lipstick on today, but I was too busy struggling to keep work focused while outweighing every pro and con of having a baby. Plus, being in a room with Joaquin all day is tough without trying to jump his bones.

“Sorry, Nonna. There’s a lot for you to know.”

Sitting across from me, Nonna places her legs out on the couch. I watch her wiggle her toes.

“What do you have for me, Nadia?”

I retrieve a positive pregnancy test from the kimono’s pocket.

She looks up at the ceiling as if expecting me to start asking her questions. I lift my hand up and wave the pregnancy stick at her as if it’s a wand. Turning her head, her jaw drops open, and her eyes stretch out.

“You say it ain’t so!” Grandma rises from the couch and snatches the test out of my hands.

Her mouth is shaped into the perfect O as she stares at me with full, intense eyes. She shakes her head, and a wail comes, soft and long.

“Ohhh! Oh, my! My precious dear! Is this real news?!” She shakes the test as if it’ll change or give her a different result. I’m not sure what it is she wants.

“Get up so I can hug you!”

Obeying puts me in a tight neverending, swaying hug with my Nonna. It’s freeing to see the joy in her eyes. Very rewarding to watch her guide me to her sofa. She taps her hand on the cushion she wants me to sit on and sits beside me.

“So, do tell. Who’s the daddy?”

I give her prominent eyes by batting my lashes in disbelief. She shakes her head, baffled and lost.

“I said, who is the daddy?”


“What? Am I supposed to know?”


“What! Joaquin! Wait…how far along are you?”

“A week after my missed period.” I shrug.

“How? Wait…during the thunderstorm? What was that like six weeks ago or something?”

“It’s early June.”

“Holy Moly! Wow! Well, he or she is certainly going to be a looker! Wait, you plan on having it or?”


“Bless your heart, my precious Nadia will be a mommy!” She wraps her arms around me and presses my head against her bosom

“I found out today, and my mind won’t slow down.”
