Page 39 of Partners In Evil

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“With Raven,” Damien says. I can’t help it – I wince when I hear her name.

“She’s busy, and so am I,” Finn says. “Everything okay on your end?”

“Yeah. Catch you later?”


I hear their footsteps fade away and relax. I hate that my heart leapt into my throat when I heard Finn’s voice. I hate that a part of me wanted to open the door and ask him just what the hell he’s doing. Because no matter how much I believe that I shouldn’t care about someone that doesn’t care about me, putting that into practice is so incredibly difficult.

And exhausting. I feel like I’ve gone through a million emotional crises since this day began. I open the deposition that I need to finish reviewing and resolve not to get up again until I’ve read the entire thing or Finn has left for the day, whichever comes first.

That works for a couple of hours. But then I realize that I both need to pee and refill my water bottle. I stride into the hall, determined not to check for Finn first, and of course see him as soon as I turn the corner.

“Emma!” he says. “I need to talk to you.”

“Sorry, busy,” I say, speed walking past him. He follows.

“It’ll just take a minute.”

“Nope, no time.” I turn down another hallway but he keeps pace. “Seriously, Finn, I don’t want to talk.”

“Please,” he pleads.

I stop outside the ladies’ room. “No. And don’t even think about trying to follow me in.” I push my way through the door, satisfied at the stunned expression I glimpsed on his face.

But when I come back out, he’s waiting. “What part of ‘no’ don’t you get?” I ask in frustration. “It’s only one syllable. Two little letters! It shouldn’t be that difficult for you to understand its meaning.”

“Please,” Finn says again. “Let me talk to you.”

I just shake my head, ducking down another hallway and weaving my way through a maze of cubicles. But he’s faster, waiting for me at the other side of the room.

I head into an empty conference room, which connects to another one. When I walk into that room, though, Damien is in the middle of a presentation.

“Emma?” he asks, confused.

“Sorry!” I blurt out. I see Finn waiting outside of the room, his arms crossed over his chest. How the hell did he get here so fast?

Oh, right, he’s a demon. They’re faster than humans. Never has that felt less fair than it does right now.

I quickly leave the conference room and walk to the kitchen so quickly, I’m almost running. But of course Finn is there when I enter. At least this room is empty.

“Okay, fine!” I cry in exasperation. “You win.”

“I just want to talk.”

“What’s there to talk about? You’re back with Raven, I get it. I even understand why you picked her, Finn. I hope you’ll be very happy together.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“You don’t get to tell me what I do and do not mean.”

“Emma, I know what you think, but that’s not what happened. I didn’t pick her, not like that.”

“So you’re not back together?”

“Well…” he hesitates. “It’s complicated.”

I see the newspaper on the counter and pick it up. I flip to the style section and slam the picture against his chest. “This picture would beg to differ, Finn.”
