Page 148 of Truly Forever

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I settle back, stretching out a leg. “Reagan’s brother was diving pretty deep into the local drug scene, intent on making a name for himself.” I shake my head at the stupidity. “The night before you got stopped, he met with a supplier. He claims the guy tried to double cross him, and that’s when things went south. He knew he needed to get rid of the gun, but he got greedy, and instead of tossing it into the lake, he tried to sell it.” An amateur move that cost him.

“Was he trying to set me up?”

“No, you getting stopped was dumb luck. Turns out, the hamburger stand he sent you guys to is known for shady dealings in the parking lot and he had his own reasons for not wanting to be seen there.”

“Mom said you sent in undercover guys?” Interest sparks in his eyes.

“I did. It’s not that yours was a particularly difficult case, but the local PD felt like they had you dead to rights, so there was never going to be much of an investigation. First, I got a buddy named Walker nosing around. His leads didn’t pan out, but the next guy I sent in turned up the information that linked the gun to the shooting one county over.”

He takes a second to process. “Thank you, for doing what you did. I really do appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I was able to help.”

“Wow. Undercover work. That’s so cool. Mom said you used to do it too. Did you like it?”

They talked about me, huh? I sigh. “I did like it, Jacob, but that job has its downside, especially if a guy wants a family, a regular life.”

He nods slowly. “I hear you—but it’s still cool.”

I tip my head back and laugh. “Yeah, it can be.”

His smile fades. “I still can’t believe Alex used his own sister like that.” He snorts. “But then, look what she did to me.”

Boy, the kid’s got a lot to process.

“I’m sure you’ll get an earful from the counselor, but don’t hang onto the junk, Jacob. Unforgiveness will take you places you don’t want to go.” That and the inevitable ensuing bitterness.

“Mom says the same thing.”

My eyes close at the allusion to Hollie’s trauma. If I had a magic wand, her pain is the first I’d wipe away.

“Do you love my mom?”

I blink open. “Love? I…we’ve only known each other a few weeks…”

“That’s all it takes sometimes.” His stare is sharp and wise beyond his years. “That’s how things were with Reagan and me.”

Yep. Poor kid.

And he isn’t wrong.

He smirks. “I can see the answer is yes, so, are you going to do anything about it?”

“I…” My hands spread. “You know, she isn’t exactly talking to me these days.”

“How come?”

“Because I said the wrong thing.” My smile feels wry. “If you can believe that.”

He grins. “I can believe it. But the question is, can you fix it?”

“May-be.” My answer rolls out slowly. Another question: Am I brave enough to take the chance? I meet his gaze, firm and direct. “Would it be alright with you if I tried?”

He squints at me long and hard. “I could live with that.”

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