Page 26 of Rolling in Hot

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“I can’t believe you’re settling for this man.”

I turn around and growl. “I would take him any day of the week over you two.”

I hold up my hand with the ring and Sam kisses it like the gallant man he is. And then I turn and walk out. “Don’t contact me again. I’m done with you two. I’m not sure what you thought you’d get but you never will so leave me alone.”

And then we run out the door laughing and he pushes me against the truck in the drive. His hand dances over my cheek and I close my eyes, turning into his palm.

“I can’t believe you’re really mine,” he whispers.

“Forever. I’m yours for the rest of our lives.”

He smiles and kisses me lightly before he grinds into me hard. “I need you now.”

“Take me home and make love to me. Claim me.”

“I already did. I’ll claim you every day if you need it though. This is for real. You’ll really marry me? You weren’t trying to just piss your parents off?”

“I’ll marry you tomorrow if you want. Pick a day and I’ll bring a dress. That’s all we need. We don’t need anything else.”

“It’s a deal.” He leans over and kisses me and it’s like the whole world whirls away. Like all we need is right here. Just the two of us and whatever children we have.

“You belong with me, Lily. Always and forever but for now I’ll find a minister and marry you tomorrow.”


“Promise, Lily.”

Epilogue One: Lily

My heart skips a beat and I’m not sure whether it’s fear or just love. I know that I love to watch my husband, Sam, work.

Currently, he’s fixing our little driveway in the back and since this is for us, he’s got the roller and our son is riding up on top with him. The two of them have their heads put together, both of them golden-brown and both of them wearing ball caps turned backwards. The two of them look so much alike that it makes me smile.

Wyatt is laughing and bouncing up and down while his big, brawny dad shows him how to work the levers as the roll it all out, even steven as he likes to say.

He looks up and grins as he sees me out on the back patio, sitting in a recliner and resting my hand on my big belly. Two more months and Wyatt’s little sister will be here and we’ll be dealing with two little rug rats instead of just our four year old son. He’s a handful all on his own and he loves to go with his dad and look at the big trucks and play with the roller and paver.

But Sam rarely lets him play with the stuff. Not unless he can focus on him completely. He’s very careful. It’s not an easy job and Sam doesn’t want him to do it. He wants him to go to college like he wasn’t able to do.

I started writing after I married Sam. I found a sudden fascination with my blue-collar hero and how much all the women out there would probably love to have one of their own.

So I started writing romance books with sexy, hard as hell men that love their women and don’t mind the dirty jobs they have and getting a little dirty with their women.

Like my man. He loves to talk dirty and do nasty yet loving things to me and I am totally on board with it. I can’t believe how lucky I am.

Sam’s golden-brown head bends over Wyatt’s and he points over at me. Wyatt looks up and he bounces on the seat, his pudgy legs swinging wildly and his big gray eyes wide and happy. He waves like a little fiend and shoots me a gap-toothed grin that has me melting in the summer heat.

My phone rings and I smile when I see that it’s Gemma. “Hey, girl. How’s it going?”

“Terrific. How are you today?”

“Big as a house. And you?”

She giggles. “Same.”

I’m due the week before she is. We’re both ready to pop but still have months to go.

“How did things go with the new editor?”
