Page 19 of She Loves Me Not

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“Baby, I was looking all over for you!”

I feel a hand wrap around my arm, and then the spandex-clad creature is forcefully pushed away from me and sent stumbling back on her too-high, silver heels.

“Are you blind? He’s taken already. Keep your grubby little hands to yourself,” Lynn spears her with her steel-colored eyes. “Still here? What are you looking at? Fuck off!”

The spandex-wonder just keeps on staring at us blearily for a couple of seconds and then turns tail, wobbling away from us.

Lynn looks up at me and gives me a brilliant smile. Then she pulls me towards her. "You're welcome," she says.

“What?” I ask, grinning down at her.

“Looked like you needed saving again, lover boy. Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

I start to laugh as I follow her toward the exit. I can’t help myself. She’s out of this world.

The rest of our friends trickle outside one by one behind us, and then finally, we are safe back inside my limo, at least for now.

I give directions to my driver while Tony hands icy glasses of champagne around, and we clink our flutes to the happy couple.

I reach to move some golden strands away from my baby sister’s face. “You okay, Sook?”

"Yeah," she mumbles. She tries to give me a convincing smile, but I know this is a bit too much for her. She is not used to drinking this heavily, and at her graduation party, we discovered champagne is not her best friend.

"Maybe you should skip this round, little sis," I tell her, making it sound like advice rather than me giving her an order, trying my best to hold at bay what I've been told is mymother-bearside.

Sometimes it's easy to forget she is an adult woman. After all, there's over a decade between us, and being a good big brother and a good friend at the same time can be daunting.

I feel a little fist punching my shoulder. “Don’t be a spoilsport, Welton,” Lynn mock-glares at me. “There’s no such a thing as drinking too much when the goal of the evening is getting completely smashed.”

“My name is Devon,” I mumble.

Jane laughs, downing her glass. “If you still can remember it, you’re not keeping up, Dev.”

Carl refills my glass. “Right! Drink up! Can’t have my best man be less sloshed than me!”

Tony flares up the music, and the girls start to sing completely off-key, along with Sia, about how they want to swing from the chandelier.

I laugh, sipping the champagne.

They are dreadful, but I don’t care.

My eyes meet Lynn’s, and there’s no other place I would want to be.

* * *

I don't knowhow long we have been in this dump, but I got to admit I'm actually having fun now, and the beer is pretty damn good.

The fruity, colorful shots —with deceptively innocent, quirky names and scary-looking lists of ingredients— that the girls have insisted on are not that bad either. Or at least, this is what we guys are telling ourselves. We'll see later how we feel about them.

Lynn and I have been preoccupied with this war-of-shots for the last hour at least, both of us too competitive to just enjoy the fun without turning it into a contest.

I don't know how much we have drank at this point, but I don't feel too much out of it, and neither does she.

That’s probably because of the thirty cups of coffee, cans of Coke for Lynn –she hates coffee— we downed since midnight rolled around.

We are going to feel all like shit by tomorrow. Well, actually, by this afternoon, since it's already tomorrow, after all.

I down one and then another and then another in quick succession, but then I have to stop amongst the laughter of my friends.
