Page 20 of She Loves Me Not

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I sway lightly, shaking my head at Lynn. She is already on the fourth of the eight shots lined in front of each of us in neat, multi-colored rows.

Damn, my throat is burning up, and my blood is boiling, while my little tigress looks unfazed and bubbly as if she had only been drinking sparkling water all this time.

This slip of a girl could drink me under the table. It doesn't really matter that I dwarf her in size.

She slaps the seventh and then the eighth empty little glass on the bar counter and throws her arms up, laughing at me. "You lost again, Mr. Uppity! C'mon! You've got to at least try and catch up!"

She leans heavily over me.

My sister —the judge of this little competition— snorts, sending tequila and lime flying around. She smooths her pretty dress, trying to look all serious, and nods to herself, contemplating my punishment. "All right, the loser has to…" she taps her chin, smiling at me. "Has to… dance with the winner!" she decides.

I grin. I do love my baby sister.

“What kind of penalty is that?” asks Lynn affronted.

I smirk at her. One eyebrow up. "Well, Lynn, she is askingmeto dance withyou. Worst possible punishment in the world, wouldn’t you agree?” I tease, taking her hand in mine and moving her to the crowded dance floor, some hideous retro-disco music playing dimly around us.

She giggles. “Well played, sir.”

I hug her curvy little body to mine, my arms around her hips.

She stands on her tiptoes as we swing together between the several couples nearly humping around us, her frame so petite she barely reaches my chest with the top of her head. I love it. I Love the fact she is so small I could pocket her and yet so big in personality that she could easily bring someone like me to his knees.

Not that this is ever going to happen. I'm never going to let another man get near her. I could not stand it, not after tonight. She is mine. She always has been, she just doesn't really know it yet, but she will before the night is through.

"Maybe there's hope yet, and you're not so stuffy after all," she murmurs against my neck, flashing me a flirty smile, and I feel myself harden all over.

I hold her tighter, too buzzed to care about keeping my arousal a secret. "You never know… I could surprise you," I mumble against her neck, making her shiver and jump slightly backward.

She blinks at me, a look of wonderment on her face. "Yep, definitely not so stuffy. All we needed to do was get you three sheets to the wind! I would have never guessed."

I feel my heart thump madly in my chest as she presses against me more and more. I have to tell her something. I have to make her see. “Booze has nothing to do with it. Trust me, doll.”

Despite all the alcohol cluttering my brain, I can read in her eyes with perfect clarity the moment she feels my erection bump off of her stomach, and she becomes aware of what's happening to me, of what's happening between us. Her bright, silvery eyes widen, her skin flushes a lovely shade of pink, and she stumbles backward. Her hands shake slightly as they grasp at my shoulders to avoid colliding with a horny couple almost going at it beside us, and then she is gone.

I’m right behind her, but then I lose her in the crowd. I feel a surge of panic, thinking of her alone in such a place.

I almost don't have time to finish that thought when I see some guy chatting up my baby sister. I freeze, torn between wanting to make sure she's safe and finding Lynn, but Tony has already reached her and is shoving the guy to the side, pulling Sookie to him.

Carl spots me and comes toward me, Jane in tow.

"Go ahead. She just went out," she says.

"Don't worry about Sook. We got her," Carl talks over his shoulder, pointing at his brother already talking down at the drunken asshole who was harassing her.

I frown a bit.

Do all my friends seem to know more about what's going on than I've given them credit for, or am I just seeing too much into this because I'm drunker than I thought?

I'm finally at the entrance, and my eyes immediately zero on Lynn. It's like I have a radar or something when it comes to her. I can always find her in the most crowded of places, no matter what.

There’s some guy in front of her, getting too close to what's mine for comfort, but as usual, Lynn doesn't really need much help.

I don't know what she's screaming at the guy, hands on her hips and neck craned up to look him fiercely in the eye, but whatever it is, it looks like he is sobering up pretty fast.

The second I reach them, he takes one single look at me and bolts. I don’t even have to glare at him. He might have been bigger than her, but he had nothing on me.

Lynn cracks up, shaking her head. “It’s always fun to watch you scare someone shitless with one look, you big fucker!”
