Page 28 of She Loves Me Not

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I'm still buried inside her pussy, and I've got no intention of leaving the premises anytime soon, but I pull slightly back to look at her. I smooth her wild, dark hair away from her beautifully flushed face, and I grin a little when I feel my seed dripping out of her cunt and down to my balls. I've got to say it now. Can't hold it in anymore. "Lynn…"

“Hmm?” She yawns adorably, focusing her eyes on me.

“I love you,” I tell her firmly.

She beams up at me. "Good thing that you do, fucker, ‘cause I don't know what I was thinking yesterday or all the days before yesterday, but I definitely don’t hate you right now.



Present day…

I’m slumped in front of the toilet, throwing up my very soul in the thing and shaking like a leaf as blinding pain passes through my brain.

I feel something soft being draped over me, and I realize it's the terry cloth robe I saw when I ran inside the bathroom and thank God I found the room in time, or things would have gotten even more embarrassing than they are right now.

The robe gives me but little respite from the cold; the marble floor’s icy tiles are quite the punishment against my naked skin.

I feel something cool over my nape, and then Devon is kneeling beside me, cradling me as much as the awkward position we are in allows. His hot body feels almost fevered against mine. One of his big, warm hands is splayed on my back, and the other is keeping my hair from my face.

"It's okay, love. I'm here," he tells me, and even if I don't know why, his voice is of great comfort to me.

After I don't know how long, I finally stop retching, my body slowly ceasing to heave and shake. I feel light-headed and so weak I can't keep my balance, so I fall backward on his broad chest, gulping down air, his strong arms around me in a protective embrace.

“Now you’re going to feel much better, love. You’ll see. Come on, let’s get you away from this cold floor and back in bed.”

Devon helps me stand up and flushes the toilet. I can barely stay upright, so he picks me up and brings me to the sink.

I take a look in the mirror, and I immediately turn my eyes down. I look a fright: pale, ashen complexion, mascara slashed in lines down my cheeks, my chestnut hair a nest of crazy, tangled waves, my lips a little blue.

Devon keeps me up by balancing me against his side, and he assists me in such a considerate way while I wash my mouth and face. His touch is so gentle, sweet, and devoted that it hurts my heart.

I point at the mouthwash, simple speech still too far from my grasp, and he immediately helps me take a sip, the minty flavor taking the acidic taste of all the alcohol I vomited away.

“Thank you,” I say a few moments later, my voice barely there.

He smiles at me, an apprehensive look in his bright aqua eyes. He touches my forehead and one of my cheeks, almost reverently, and then sighs. "You need to lie down, sweetheart."

He gathers me in his arms like I weigh nothing more than a bag of feathers —and I do definitely weigh more than that— and he carries me back to the huge bed that dominates the room.

I always knew he was big, you had to be blind not to see the flex of his muscular form even under those perfectly pristine, tailored suits, but still, I never realized how strong he is. For some reason, I'm not sure I understand the thought of his strength is reassuring to me.

“God, I feel so horrible and so embarrassed,” I mumble on his shoulder as he settles me under the cool,worth-more-than-I-make-in-three-monthssheets.

He kisses my forehead. "It's okay, baby. There's nothing to feel embarrassed about. We both drank too much yesterday. I'm feeling pretty shitty myself."

Before I know what's going on, he is pulling the fluffy comforter more closely around me and stepping away from the colossal four-poster.

“Wait! Stay… stay with me, please.”

I don't even know where that came from, but it's out there now, and I can't take it back.

He gives me a small, sad smile that breaks my heart and sits on the edge of the bed. "I'll never leave you. I don't think I can."

He brings his forehead to rest lightly on mine for a second and then starts to run his long fingers up and down my arm in a caress that is so soothing and tender that it could put an insomniac into the sweetest of comas.

I feel so confused and yet so safe at the same time. I can't begin to understand it or explain it to my heart. My mind is still spinning in circles after our hot interlude and the stress of being sick till there was nothing left.

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