Page 9 of She Loves Me Not

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Carl laughs, but Devon scoffs. He literally scoffs and gives an eye-role, the prick!

I feel myself flush and move in front of him, one finger pointing at his broad chest. "You got something to say, Mr. Million-bucks?"

He grins at me. "Mr. Million-bucks? Hardly. We both know I am worth billions. As a lawyer, you should be more precise with that sort of thing," he states and moves past me to go stand in front of one of the large windows.

Here we go again. Every time we speak, he snubs me and goes to stand in front of some window. What’s wrong with this guy?

“Why did you have to be such a jackass with my client, Welton?”

He turns his head to the side to look at me for a moment; one eyebrow pitched in a perfect arrogant arch. “Who, me? What did I do? I may have a lot of money, but I'm not in the habit of throwing them out of the window for no reason. You had a good strategy there, and I won't deny it might have even worked on someone else but not on me. Your client was scared shitless. I could see it in his eyes. Had I even changed the terms by considerably lowering my offer, he would have still jumped at it. And besides, there was no way I was going to let you win. You know how much I enjoy pissing you off.”

I sigh angrily. “And so you went for the jugular. Couldn’t you at least show some respect?”

He laughs. "I did. He honestly did not deserve much more respect than the little amount he got from us, and you know it. He could not care less for his company. He only wanted to line his pockets. And that wasn't me going for the jugular, Lynn. I merely gave a nibble, and he was already bleeding to death at my feet. You defended him quite fiercely as always, but it was useless in the face of his embarrassing performance."

I turn on my heel like a soldier and go for the door. “I’ll see you tonight, guys,” I murmur.

“As always, it was a pleasure sparring with you, Lynn.”

“Come on, Dev! Let her be,” Carl chucks him playfully on the back.

“Fucker,” I mumble softly.

“What did you say, doll?” he asks, a note of amusement in his voice.

Ugh! I hate it when he calls me that!

"Fucker," I enunciate clearly and leave the room.

The last thing I hear is the laughter of the guys and Anthony’s voice.

“Why do you guys always have to bicker, Dev? Can’t you play nice at least once in a while?”

I don’t need to hear how Devon is going to answer that question.

I know what I would say.

No, we can’t. We never could. We never will.



Ikeep my eyes trained on the Boston traffic buzzing outside the great floor-to-ceiling window, thirty-five floors below, and try at once to calm my breathing, my heartbeat, and my cock, blinking rapidly to diffuse the memory of Lynn’s pretty face and irate, flashing eyes from my mind.

Every time we meet, we end up either quarreling or downright fighting, with her storming out of the place and me running to stand in front of some window or behind some tall piece of furniture to hide an erection —not an easy task when one is nearly 6’5’’ tall and as big as I am.

It’s a miracle my friends haven’t caught me sporting a massive hard-on for her, considering my cock spends more time up than it does down when Lynn, her curves, and her fiery attitude are around. I realize Carl and Tony are both talking, probably to me, but I don't know what they are saying. The meager quantity of blood flowing up instead of down is doing a poor job of helping me with my present discomfort, seeing that the only part of my brain that is being kept active is the one that can’t stop giving me flashbacks of her impressive cleavage, the sparks in her steel-colored eyes and the rosiness of her plush lips and flushed complexion.

God, I love to piss her off!

I wonder if she looks anything like this when she is aroused or if she would look softer under me in her surrender.

“Dev? What’s so interesting outside that damn window?” Tony asks, coming to stand close to me.

I shove both hands in the pocket of my expensive jacket, thanking my lucky star for the slightly more long cut of it, and I bring them to the front in the hope of hiding my misbehaving cock.

"Yes, stop scowling at it! We should already get going. This is a day for celebration," Carl chimes in with a big grin and a particular light in his dark brown eyes. The guy looks as happy as a puppy today, almost bouncing around, but I can't blame him for that.
