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I didn’t like the sound of that. He could have gotten alcohol poisoning. He could have stopped breathing. That much drinking was something to be worried about.

JJ’s hand gently rubbed my thigh. “He’s okay.”

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“I saw the cute little worry lines you get between your eyebrows.”

“I don’t have those.”

“Yes, you do.” I could hear the smile in his voice while I kept my eyes on the road. It warmed me that he noticed. JJ was getting to know me, and we were doing so without the element of sex. Not that we both didn’t want it, although I enjoyed this past week with him.

One night he had me over for dinner at his place. Val cooked and it was good. Not as good as what Peyton and Dominic could whip up, but I was appreciative of him taking the time to prepare the meal and let me join them.

Another night we went for a long drive on the Harley. I loved being on the back of it, with my hands on JJ. Just us and the open air.

Last night we binge-watched season one ofStranger Things. I had no idea a show that transported me back to the eighties would suck me in like it did. Steve was my favorite. Maybe I had an eighties kink, or maybe it was just him.

“Turn left,” JJ said, breaking my thought. “The next house on the left is his.”

I put my blinker on and slowed to make the turn down a paved driveway. Up ahead was a two-story, white-and-gray stone home with light wood trim. It looked like they took an old farmhouse and remodeled it into something better. The aged stone was there but also a newer addition painted white. Across the driveway from it was a three-car garage that might have been a stable at one point. It was painted white as well. A light, natural wood arbor lined the front of both buildings and went over the driveway, so it was in the shape of a U. There were wood shutters on both floors of the buildings, modern darker wood doors. It was stunning and fit well with the area.

I parked the SUV and turned it off, sitting in awe of the home.

“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” JJ asked. “Dex’s grandparents had lived here. They left it to him. He’s not the traditional type but didn’t want to bulldoze it so he kept the original home, which is the stone you see, and put the addition on. The inside is modern but also feels like home. You’ll see.” He got out without saying anything else.

I joined him, meeting him at the hood, while we both stared at the main house, not moving farther.

“We should probably knock,” I said.

He swallowed. “Yeah.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“We have to talk to him. It’s now or never.”

I turned to JJ; gently clasped his face in my hands. “It doesn’t have to be the three of us. It can just be you and me.”

“And if he wants us?”

“I’m open to it, but I won’t do it if you’re not comfortable. It has to be something we all want or it’s not worth it. I won’t destroy what you and I have.”

Leaning down, I pressed my lips to his. When I turned, X stood in the open front door. I released JJ and went over to hug my friend. “Fuck, I missed you,” I said, holding him tight.

“I missed you too. I’m sorry it took Dex going off the deep end for us to see each other.”

“I didn’t go off the deep end!” I heard from inside the house.

“Go in,” X told me.

I stepped inside, noting the open living room on the right and the stairs to my left. On the other side of the stairs appeared to be a formal dining room. But the living room was what held my attention. There was a stone fireplace that matched what I saw on the exterior. A large sectional filled the space with a coffee table in front of it. A big screen TV was mounted on the stone above the hearth. It was welcoming, comfortable.

JJ and X talked behind me, but they faded away when Dexen stood from the couch. He was as gorgeous as always. Freshly showered, his copper hair still wet, making it look darker than it usually did. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his sweatpants, and he wore a plain green T-shirt. I’d never seen him look so casual or uncertain. It had me crossing the space to get to him, but then I hesitated. I couldn’t comfort him right now, no matter how much I wanted to. We had to talk. Us and JJ.

A warm hand on my lower back let me know JJ was close. “Dex.”

“Jordan.” Why was it so sexy he called him Jordan? It was his name, but Dexen said it like it hurt him to do so. Everyone else called him JJ but when Dexen said Jordan, it spoke of a past. Of pain and longing.

I turned to find X gone and the door closed, not that I’d expected him to stay.
