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Dexen’s eyes narrowed, his jaw ticked. “What happened?”

“Nothing new. Just the old man trying to rule my life. He wants me with you, you know?”

“What about Greer?”

“Oh, he has no love for the Lynx brothers. Never has. They stood between him and Perry which only served to piss him off. Now that Peyton is someone special to Perry…” He shrugged. “Who knows. As for Greer, if my dad knew he was more to me than a friend, he might warm up. But I don’t need his approval nor want it. The most I’d desire is his word Greer and Peyton won’t be harmed. I want them protected from that asshole.”

I squeezed his hand. “I’m not afraid of your father or Malik, for that matter.”

JJ grunted, tightly gripping my hand.

“You never did what your dad wanted before, why start now?” Dexen asked.

“I’m not here because of him. I’m here because of you. I’m here for X and Greer.” He dropped his voice. “For me.”

“Why, Jordan?”

“Jesus, do you need me to fucking spell it out for you? I never stopped loving you. As much as I fucking wanted to rip you to pieces, I couldn’t hurt you like that.”

“You did when you walked away.”

JJ released my hand to point at Dexen. “And you deserved every bit of that pain. If it was even a fraction of what I felt, then you got what was coming to you.”

Dexen nodded. “Fair enough.”

“No, it’s not fair. None of this is.” JJ stood and started pacing in front of the fireplace. “Greer wants you and it’s obvious you want him.” He stopped and faced Dexen. “Do you want me too?”

Dexen’s eyes were wide, disbelief swimming in them. “What?”

“Answer the question. It’s not difficult. Do. You. Want. Me?”

“I always have, always will. That doesn’t mean it’s smart, or I’m ready to open up my chest for you to carve my fucking heart out again.” Dexen got to his feet, but he didn’t make a move toward JJ.

The two of them stared each other down, both ready to combust. I had to do something before they either tore each other apart or bruised each other’s lips with a kiss. If it was the latter, I wanted in on that.

I stood, drawing their attention to me. “What about me?”

“Greer.” JJ stepped closer, his hand finding mine again. “I want you. So much. I couldn’t let you go if I tried.”

Dexen came over and reached for my other hand. “I never stopped wanting you.”

“For more than sex?”

He swallowed. Hard. Dexen was making himself vulnerable, something I knew wasn’t easy for him. Hell, it wasn’t easy for JJ either. I was the only one who could walk around with a visible bleeding heart like it was any other day. “It was more than sex for quite some time.” Fuck, how I longed to hear those words. For him to admit there was something between us that had nothing to do with us getting off together.

“Then what are we going to do about it?” I looked from Dexen to JJ. “I want this. Both of you. All three of us together.”

JJ glanced at Dexen. “Even though I’m fucking petrified, I want that too.”

Dexen sighed. “What the fuck are we doing? I’m not sure this is smart, but you two are impossible to resist. Fuck it. I’m in. If either of you hurt me, I’ll rip your hearts out along with what’s left of mine. I’ll be damned if I go through that nightmare again. The next time I want to feel nothing.”

I grinned. “Deal, but there won’t be a next time.” It might have been a promise I couldn’t keep; however, I’d fight to make it hold true.



This might have been one of the stupidest things I’d ever done, but damn if I could resist either of them. Not with them standing here, staring at me with hope in their eyes. There was also trepidation in JJ’s, as I expected there to be. Greer was an open book; his heart sat on his sleeve. Just touching Greer again felt like heaven.
