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“The phone needs to move south, Dex,” JJ said.

“Go somewhere else with that, Jay!” Val yelled in the background. He was one of the few people who could yell at JJ and get away with it.

Greer laughed. “You could come up here.”

“If I do that, I’m not getting any work done.”

I groaned and palmed myself with my free hand. “Don’t say that shit when I need to leave on time.”

A door shut. JJ lifted the phone. “We are not having video sex while I’m here.”

“No one said we were,” Greer replied.

“Dex grabbed his cock. How am I not going to want to see that?”

“Tonight,” I muttered, releasing myself and finding a suit to put on. Charcoal gray with a white button-down and a light-gray tie. I put the phone down so I could strip out of my pajama pants and get dressed. My men had a lovely view of the ceiling of my walk-in closet while I slid my slacks on.

“That’s a shit view, Dex!” JJ called.

I laughed. “No sex and all that.” My fingers made quick work of the buttons of my shirt and tie, then I tucked the shirt in. I was about to put my jacket on when a noise from downstairs pulled my attention away. “The fuck was that?” I whispered.

Greer’s voice held a hard edge, going from teasing to serious. “What?”

“I’m not sure. Sounded like something fell downstairs." My alarm wasn't currently set. I deactivated it after I got my cup of coffee to breathe in the fresh, cool air outside before starting my day.

“Get your gun.”

The safe was in the closet with me, so I quickly used my fingerprint to open it. The 9mm was already loaded but I put a bullet in the chamber. I quickly flipped to the security app on my phone to check the cameras. All were clear. “Greer, text Xaiden quick. Ask him where he is.”

I lifted the phone with my free hand, switched to an audio call, and placed the phone to my ear. The gun was raised as I quietly walked out of the closet.

“He’s at home. Wants to know why.” It’s not my brother downstairs then.

“Don’t tell him or he’ll worry.”

“Too late. He’s calling the cops and on his way.” I wasn’t surprised.

“Shh,” I told them. I wanted to listen, see if I could hear anything else. Whoever was in my house wasn’t invited and was getting a bullet to the head for coming here.

The old home, even though it was remodeled, still had creaky floorboards. I wanted to retain as much of the original flooring as I could when I had it done. At this point, I knew where the spots were that were loud as fuck when my feet hit them. The creaks would soothe me on lonely nights when I walked around, the little bit of noise reminding me of being a child and playing in the home with Xaiden when life was easy, and we were carefree.

I carefully made my way down the hallway toward the stairs. There was a whisper of a noise down there, like someone was sifting through papers. My office was on the first floor through the kitchen. I couldn’t think of anywhere else there would be papers out.

The sound of a car door closing on the other end of the phone made me pause. An engine started, rumbling smoothly. They were in Greer’s Lexus.

“Hear anything?” JJ asked.

As quietly as I could, I said, “Mmhhmm.”

“Fuck,” he bit out. “We’re coming. Hang tight.”

They were about a half hour away, maybe a bit less this time of day in lighter traffic, and I had a gun in my hand. Granted, I didn’t know if there were multiple people in here or just one. I couldn’t tell Greer and JJ to stay put and not bother. They wouldn’t listen and I damn sure would do the same thing they were if this was one of them in my position.

The stairs were open on either side, no walls caging them in, so it wasn’t as if I could creep down unnoticed. I had to hug the sides of the steps to keep my feet from making noise on the wood. I got to the bottom with my phone pressed to my ear with my shoulder and both hands on the gun. It wasn’t ideal but I could manage. If I hung up, they’d go out of their minds with worry.

The dining room was a better bet than the living room in terms of trying to sneak up on someone. There was nothing of interest in there except plates, something a robber wouldn’t bother with.

A door closed in the house; I didn’t know which one. It wasn’t loud. The sweep of it over the floor, a click of the latch catching.
