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“Love you too.” I hung up and put the phone back on my desk. I waved Dominic in. He had slipped his bright blue slacks back on, but the top of his black G-string still showed above the waistline. I didn’t know they made pants that color until I’d seen them on him.

He took a seat on my couch. “I know you didn’t say those words to Greer or JJ yet, because Greer would smile nonstop if you did, so who was on the phone?”

“You’re nosy.”

He shrugged. “You practically live with us, and I work for you. You’re family. I’m allowed to pry. It’s in the handbook.”

“It was my mom. She asked how everyone was.”

“She’s a lovely woman.”

Smiling, I agreed, “She is.” Dominic had met her once and they hit it off immediately. Glancing toward the door, I said, “Simon, can you shut that?”

“Yeah, boss.” He pulled it closed, so no one could hear us.

I got up and went to the couch to sit beside Dominic. “How was Romeo?”

“You should have stayed and watched him. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand. Or the curve of his ass. Either way. He was nervous with this being his first time on stage, but once he got into the groove, fuck, he was hot. He did this pushup, grind thing on the stage, Jesus.” Dominic fanned himself. “I can only imagine what he’s like in bed.”

I laughed. “If Pey were here, he’d growl at you for saying that.”

“If Pey were here, he’d be hard after that performance. You struck gold with Romeo.”

“I’m going to keep him on the rotation with you for a few weeks then I’ll move him around, give him times when you’re not on to see how he does.” I wouldn’t ask him about the possibility of doing the private rooms for at least a couple weeks. He had to get the hang of dancing on stage before he could do it up close and personal. Even then I’d have him in the regular rooms before he worked up to our big spenders in the VIP rooms.

“Works for me. I could use another dancer friend.” I was happy he wanted to be friends with Romeo. Dominic was still in therapy after what happened to him, but he’d come far and would soon be able to stop going. It was up to him when he felt comfortable doing so.

“He’s a sweet kid.”

“Everyone’s a kid to you. You’re old.”

Reaching over, I ruffled his hair to get revenge on him for calling me old. He swatted me away and tried to fix the mess I made. “I’m not old. I’m refined. Aged like a good wine.”

“Whatever you have to tell yourself.”

“I bet you don’t call my brother old.”

“X would lay my ass out if I did that. You just fuck up my hair.”

“If you’d like to fight, we can step into the ring at the gym.” I didn’t keep up with it like my brother did, but I still worked out regularly, still sparred when I was in the mood.

He laughed. “That would go over well. Pey and Perry would want to kill you for trying to lay a hand on me. JJ would do the same to me because of his love for you. And Greer would try to mother us and clean our wounds when we were done.”

I grinned. “Accurate. Could be fun though.”

He gave me a once over. “Maybe a little hot too.”

Returning the look, I said, “Maybe. Hey, change of subject. Do you know Greer’s assistant? I think his name is Neil.”

“I do. He’s very nice. Gets along great with Greer.”

“Could you reach out to him for me? I want to surprise Greer and JJ with lunch. I know Greer has a lot more meetings than JJ does.”

“From what Perry’s said, JJ hates meetings. He pretty much holes up in the R&D building unless he’s working on something with Greer. I bet they just blow each other during their meetings.”

“I wouldn’t put it past them.” The thought of them doing so had my dick twitching.

“I’ll text Neil and ask him. I’ll let you know. I still have his number from when I worked there.”
