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I draped my arm on the back of the couch so I could fully face him. “Do you miss being there? Working with Junior and Pey?”

“I miss them but not the work. I was good at it and could do it efficiently, but I didn’t have a passion for it. I enjoy working here better.”

“I’m thinking of promoting you.”

“To what? Head ass shaker?”

“No.” I laughed. “Talent manager. You’d oversee the dancers, work with them to improve, if need be, coach them through any issues, manage their schedules, and assist me in the hiring process.” I wouldn’t ask him to fire people. I could take care of that when needed.

“Would I still dance?”

“Of course, unless you don’t want to.”

“I do,” he said quickly. “I don’t want to give it up. I love every minute I’m on the stage and in the VIP rooms. Would this be additional hours to what I’m already doing or take the place of some of my scheduled dances?”

“You’re here five days a week so I’d like to extend your time by tacking on a few hours to each shift. I wouldn’t change your schedule. You’d still get Fridays and Sundays off unless you want to adjust it. I’d also change your dressing room a bit. Add in a desk, whatever you need.”

“It’s sort of like what I did when I worked for Perry, minus the whole exotic dancer thing. I’d be organizing a group of people instead of one man who likes to throw expensive pencils. This would have a nice twist to it. I do love the work I do here and this way I could help others excel. But they better not dethrone me as your top dancer.”

“The only one you’re in danger of that happening with is Romeo, and he doesn’t have nearly the confidence to take your scepter yet.”

“I don’t want him anywhere near my scepter. I have other personnel to handle that.”

“Are we talking about an actual scepter or your dick?”

“My dick, but I wouldn’t object if my promotion included some form of royal dancer treatment.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t. Think about it. Talk it over with Pey and Junior. It’s an idea I’m toying with. I’d want you on board with it a hundred percent before moving forward.”

He smiled. “Thanks, Dex.”



What the fuck was happening today? Every time I got one thing done, another popped up. I even had to fire one of my employees for sexually harassing a woman on the same team. Seriously. What. The. Fuck. I personally escorted his ass off the property with our general counsel by my side.

Once that was handled, one of our systems went down. Luckily, our engineers worked fast to get it back up and running.

The tennis ball bounced off my wall and returned to my hand. My eyes hurt from staring at my computer screen. My stomach growled, letting me know it was time to eat. But I stayed in my chair for fear the next time I left my office, something else was going to happen.

My brother didn’t bother knocking when he came into my office. The door was open anyway. If he was here, it meant Perry was close.

“How are you doing?” he asked, taking a seat in front of my desk.

“Shit day.”

“I heard.”

“Where’s Perry?”

“Stefen stopped him in the hall. Something about a purchase order. I tuned them out and came in here instead.” Peyton guarded Perry everywhere he went. Like Dexen’s club, our office was safe, so he felt comfortable walking away from him. Anyone else might have been driven nuts by my brother but Perry loved it, loved him. How he never saw the way my brother looked at him for all those years I’d never know. To me, it was plain as day.




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