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If I gave the gun to Greer and he shot Malik, all hell would break loose with my old man. He’d come for the Lynx brothers, for Perry and Dom. Dexen. There wouldn’t be anyone left standing. Malik was the man my dad trusted most. Killing him would evoke war with Jordan Altair Sr.


“You can’t kill him,” I said low, trying to be calm even though my hands started shaking.

“The hell I can’t!”

“If you kill Malik, my dad will bring more men than you can handle. He’ll kill you, Dex, Pey, Dom, and Junior. He’ll come for your mom, your extended family. He won’t stop until everyone you love is dead.” The sound of sirens in the distance reached me. We were running out of time. I swallowed, hating myself for the words I was about to speak because Greer wasn’t the only one who wanted to kill Malik. Hell, I’d wanted his ass dead for decades. “You have to let him go.”

Greer’s answer was to slam Malik against the wall again and growl.

“Greer, you have to release him. The cops are almost here. We can’t tell them about this. We need to handle it with my dad. Trust me.” My dad said Greer wouldn’t be touched. That none of the men here would be. But if Greer killed Malik, all bets were off. “The police being involved will only get Malik off the street for maybe a night. My dad has great lawyers and even though Malik is on the cops’ radar, he’ll get out. It will be worse if he’s in jail.” We had to handle this behind the scenes. Nothing in my life was done above board when it came to my dad or the men who worked for him.

Greer’s shoulder dropped a fraction. That was when I knew he was going to let him go. I exhaled a breath.

“This isn’t over,” Greer said between clenched teeth.

“Give me the drive and it will be.”

“Fuck. You.”

I had to get between them and shove them apart before the cops came in here. I turned to face Malik. “You’ll be seeing me soon. Go.”

He nodded. Malik couldn’t touch me. He grabbed his gun and fled. The alternative was facing the cops. These weren’t ones my dad paid off. I didn’t bother looking which way he went. The cops wouldn’t see him. Malik was stealthy as fuck and lethal. The only reason Greer was still standing was because they didn’t have guns in their hands. Plus, Malik wanted something Greer supposedly had. With Greer dead, he wouldn’t find it without tearing the house to pieces and he didn’t have time for that.

I tucked my gun in the back of my jeans and covered it with my shirt and jacket, right before the cops came in with guns drawn.

“He got away,” Greer called.

We were still patted down and my gun taken. Greer’s from the floor as well. It was fine. I had a permit for it and told them I came when my boyfriend called that someone had broken in. I’d get it back once they made sure it was legal. I did everything by the book since I didn’t want any issues.

X showed up right after the cops did. Dexen and Peyton got here around the same time. It was barely controlled chaos. Greer told the cops his security system was taken down and the man was wearing gloves, which he wasn’t. Malik didn’t use his bare fingers to turn the doorknob. He wasn’t stupid. Though maybe he was to break in.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed before the cops departed and it was the five of us left. For some reason, Greer didn’t bring up Malik to his brother or X, so I kept my mouth shut until they were gone. They were reluctant to leave and didn’t until the security system was back up and running. Peyton had someone on their way to replace the door. Malik wouldn’t be back, at least not today.

Greer told Peyton to keep Junior and Dominic at the penthouse for now, which Peyton agreed. He didn’t like us staying here but Greer wasn’t moving. He said he wouldn’t be chased from his home. Dexen raised an eyebrow at that. He’d understand once he found out who was here.

X wanted to stay, to watch over us, but Dexen convinced him to leave. That we’d watch each other’s backs and if something else happened, they’d call him. X didn’t like it; however, he couldn’t plant his stubborn self on the couch like he did at Dexen’s place.

Dexen wanted to clean Greer up after everyone left, including the door guy who came damn fast. Money talked. I refused to move until Greer explained why the hell Malik was here and what exactly was on the flash drive. Dexen didn’t even know Malik was the culprit yet.

“Sit,” I said to them both. “We can handle Greer’s bloody face later in the shower.” He’d washed the blood off his knuckles, but we needed to thoroughly clean the cuts out. He wasn’t still bleeding at least. Nothing needed stitches.

“What is with you?” Dexen glared at me. “He’s hurt.”

I sighed. “Just sit. You need to know what happened.”

“I already heard.”

“No, you heard what Greer told everyone else, not the truth.”

His gaze swung to Greer. “You lied?”

“I lied to them, yes. I had to.” His eyes cut to me.

So did Dexen’s. “What the hell is going on?”

I dropped down to the seat. “Sit, Dex.”

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