Page 4 of Sinful Discipline

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“Well, you can tell him I’m not coming!” As I started to slam the door in his face, his hand stopped it.

“I have been ordered to carry you down there if you don’t oblige.”

“For fuck’s sake!” I stormed over to the closet, grabbed a robe, and slid it on. I gave ole demon guard a dirty look as I emerged from my room.

My bare feet were cold against the black marble floor as I followed him down to the dining hall. At the head of a massive table filled with food sat the man, the demon, I had imaginary sex with last night.

He glanced towards my direction with a half arrogant grin. There was a hitch in my breath from the way his eyes took me in.

“Today is a special day for you.” I gave him a look that basically said I didn’t give a shit as I stopped and stood next to the table. “Sit.”

The way he said it was more of a command than an offer. A guard pulled out my chair and I took a seat.

“What is so special about today?” I asked as I started spooning food onto my plate.

He never responded as I continued to serve myself. Once I was done, I glanced up at him. He was watching me so I decided to repeat the same line he said to me yesterday. “I asked you a question, Avaress.”

An arrogant grin spread across his face. “When I’m speaking to someone, I prefer their eye contact.”

“Really, because you weren’t making eye contact when you werespeakingto me last night in my bedroom.” I stabbed a chunk of meat and shoved it in my mouth as I held his gaze.

The smile fell off his face in an instant. One nod of his head and the guards left the room. I swallowed down the half chewed bite out of fear when he rose from his chair. My heart raced uncontrollably as he made his way over to me. Grabbing my chin, he tipped my face up towards his.

“Would you like me to make eye contact tonight when I ravage you?”

My breaths were heavy as I quietly stared into his gorgeous, icy blue eyes. I didn’t answer, I couldn’t. My pussy, on the other hand, had a mind of its own when it clenched in excitement.

He inhaled deeply and gave me a huge smile. “I’ll take that scent as a yes.” Releasing my chin, he went back to his seat and I immediately missed the closeness of him.

I couldn’t help but wonder if I really wanted him or just wanted my brains fucked out.

“So, like I was saying. It’s a special day for you.” I stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate, but was met by silence. Then he raised his hand and small black sparkles of magic danced their way toward me.

A tingling sensation ran from my shoulder blades to my lower back seconds before a strong sense of power filled me. My body was pushed slightly forward when large black demon wings emerged from my back.

It took me a year to earn my wings in the angel land so confusion filled me as I stared at the beauty of them. Each strong bone was covered in the same fleshy skin the king’s wings were. “You gave me wings?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

I swallowed back tears as the weight of my new wings gave me a familiar comfortableness. “Because I haven’t earned them yet.”

“You don’t earn wings here, love, you treasure them.”

I was grateful for my new found wings, but I had a feeling he was going to regret giving them to me. “Can I explore the grounds after breakfast?”

“Of course. Just don’t go past the Enchanted Circle.”

“I won’t.” I smiled through the lie and continued eating my food. The Enchanted Circle was the barrier between the living world and the realm we lived in. It was exactly where I was going to go.

Afterbreakfast,Iimmediatelychanged into some black trousers and a tank top. I slid on the gold bangles I was wearing on my arms when I arrived and made my way outside. None of the demon guards even gave me a second look when I passed them. Standing in the middle of the huge garden filled with magenta and black dahlias, I flapped my wings and ascended into the sky. The familiarness of the cool breeze blowing my hair back was exhilarating. I flew around for a good twenty minutes, getting a view of the area. For demon lands, it was surprisingly green and plush. I guess I was expecting hellfire and brimstone, but all I got was flowers and waterfalls.

Now that my wings had gotten a good stretch, I decided to execute my plan. Taking a sharp right, I headed towards the Enchanted Circle. There was one thing the demon king didn’t know about: I had spent years building up my flying speed and I was fast as fuck.

With each flap of my wings, all I thought about was getting coffee from Cool Beans Cafe. It was a little place close to where I used to live on earth. I had yearned for their coffee for the last six years of my afterlife. It was inexpensive, delicious, and significantly better than Starbucks.

When I got past the first boundary, my heart raced with fear and excitement. Looking over my shoulder, there were no demon guards chasing me, which slightly took the thrill out of it. Part of me wondered if I really did want to escape this realm and return to earth or if I just loved the adrenaline that trying to escape gave me.

The Enchanted Circle was only about fifty feet ahead. I could feel the magical powers radiating off of it as I sped up. Freedom was so close I could taste it when suddenly my wings slowed. They felt heavy like they were covered in sludge. Each flap was like another boulder was added to the weight of them.

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