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The color drained from Gail’s face. “Why did you do that?”

“Because this game is over.” Lana brushed past her mother, and fished the prop out of the open suitcase. “And I’m not going to stand for anything else.”

“Sweetheart. Listen. I know what’s best for you.”

Anger swept through Lana and she clenched her hands. “Like you know what roles I should take? I know you went behind my back and made sure I didn’t get the lead in that drama last year. I know you’ve been manipulating my career.”

Her mother shifted her weight. “Lana, I know it doesn’t seem fair, but I’mhelpingyou.”

“No. You’re controlling me. And I’m done. You’ll stay out of my life from now on.” Lana stared at her mother, willing her emotions to stay under control. She couldn’t fly off the handle. She needed to let her mother she was done in a cool, calm way.

Her mother stepped back. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll trust me, Mother. Say you’ll let me make my own mistakes, and grow from them. Let me be an adult.”

“Even if those mistakes hurt you?” Her mother softened, her voice quiet.

“Yes,” she said as she took a step toward her. “Even if they hurt. You have to let me grow up.”

Gail blinked, then wrapped her arms around Lana. “I don’t know if I can.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. Her mother wasn’t a very affectionate person. This felt huge to her. “I think you can, Mother.”

Her mother took a long moment before answering. “I’ll try,” she said as she stepped back.

“That’s all I ask,” Lana said, her heart in her throat.


Hayden stood at the edge of the beach, watching the proposal scene. Lana and Brent held hands as they walked along the water’s edge. He hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to Lana before she began the shoot, so he wasn’t sure what had happened with Gail. He only knew Lana showed up wearing the missing prop, which means Gailhadtaken it. Their suspicions were confirmed.

He exhaled and scanned the crew but didn’t see Lana’s mother. It wasn’t going to be easy going up against Gail Wentworth. She was a force of nature. It was going to be like going up against a hurricane. Only, Gail had claws.

He should have stood up to her five years ago, when this whole thing started. He should have gone straight to Lana, and together they could have gotten through it. Now it was much worse. Gail was trying to get him fired. And he knew that things could get much worse.

Brent knelt down and took out a ring box, and Lana acted appropriately surprised and delighted.

“You must be satisfied with yourself.”

He turned to see Gail behind him, her long, dark hair blowing in the breeze, her arms folded tight across her middle. He tried not to react to her cutting remark. Lana must have told her about them getting back together. “Gail. Nice to see you.”

“Stop the act. You think you’ve won, but you don’t know the power I have. Stay away from Lana.”

Her red fingernails dug into her arm, and he wondered if that hurt. “I know your power. Go ahead, do what you want, but I’m not leaving Lana. Not again.”

She glared at him. “Then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

He stared at her, knowing she meant it. If he stood his ground, she could bury him. He’d never work in Hollywood again. For a split second, he wavered. But it was only for a fraction of a second.

“No. What I regretted was destroying Lana’s heart five years ago. You can ruin my career, that’s fine. You can spread lies about me and make me out to be the villain. But I’m not going to hurt Lana again. I love her. Now that we’re finally together again, I’m not going to leave just because you threaten me.”

Hayden didn’t wait for Gail to say anything. He turned and left her standing by the water.

“Wait,” she called after him.

He hadn’t expected that and turned back. Gail stared at him, her expression guarded.

