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A bad feeling crept into his chest. “You think your mother stole the necklace?”

“I swear I saw her with it this morning. I thought it was odd, she doesn’t wear costume jewelry. I didn’t even connect it with the scene we’re shooting.”

Chase looked confused. “Why would your mother have it?”

“I don’t know. I’m going to go find out.” Lana exited the tent.

Hayden let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. If Gail was that set on getting him away from Lana, how would she react if she knew they were together again? He’d had so much confidence just a second ago. Now it deflated.

Chase elbowed Hayden. “You and Lana finally worked things out? You looked pretty cozy when I came in.”

He smiled, remembering the kiss. “Yes. We’re dating again.”

Chase grinned at him. “I knew it. You guys belong together.”

“That’s not what everyone thinks,” he said under his breath.

Chase’s eyebrows rose. “Who, Gail? What exactly is going on?”

Hayden frowned. “I think she’s trying to get me fired.”

* * *

Lana enteredher resort room expecting to confront her mother, but the room sat empty. She let out a silent sigh of relief, then reprimanded herself for her cowardice. It was not good, but a part of her still felt like that little girl who wanted to please her mother. She needed to grow up.

Lana pulled open the closet door and grabbed her mother’s suitcase. Her mother had been rummaging around in it earlier. When Lana opened it, she gasped. Not only was the necklace in there, but the camera from the first day of shooting, as well as an umbrella, a pair of flip flops, and a red hair ribbon, all props that had gone missing.

“What are you doing?” Gail said, her voice cold.

Lana whipped around, her heart pounding. Her motherhadbeen there. Had she been hiding? She swallowed, trying to gather up her courage. “Mother. What are you doing with these props?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why are you in my things?” She grabbed her suitcase away, then stuck it behind her. It fell open, several things spilling out.

“No matter,” Gail said. She smiled, waving away the offense. “You’re going to be late for your shoot. And look, you’ve messed up your hair. Let’s get you to hair and makeup so they can fix you.”

Gail reached for her, but Lana stepped back. “Mother. You’re trying to get Hayden fired.”

“That’s absurd.” She folded her arms. “Why would I care about some prop guy?”

“Because I’m in love with him.” Lana sucked in a breath. Had she just blurted out that she loved Hayden? To her mother?

Gail’s smile slowly faded. “You’re not in love with him. He’s handsome. A real charmer. That’s all.”

“Mother, you can’t do this to me. Not again. I know what you did to break us up, and it nearly killed me.” Emotion surged in her throat, and she couldn’t speak.

“Nonsense. You’re not thinking clearly.” Gail swept her arm around Lana’s shoulder. “You need to find someone who can take your career to the next level. That isn’t going to be a prop man.”

Lana blinked back tears. She was not going to cower to her mother for the rest of her life. She had to stand up to her, or this kind of thing would continue forever.

She squared her shoulders and looked her mother in the eyes. “Don’t make me choose between you and Hayden. You won’t like my choice.”

“Let’s not talk about this now. You’re going to be late.”

Lana held out her hand. “Give me the necklace for the shoot.”

Something flashed across her mother’s face, but she smoothed out her features before Lana could see what it was. “I told you. These are my things.”

“I already told the producer you had the prop.”
