Page 19 of Tempted

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Once they were standing under the starry night, Linc tucked her under his arm and leaned against the short brick wall that separated the bar from the street. “The moon is putting on a good show… it’s almost full.”

“Sure is,” she replied, moving closer. “Did you and your cousins enjoy the supper Olivia and I left earlier?”

“Absolutely, and I expect Zane is over at your sister’s house, showing his appreciation in the only way he knows how.”

“I hope that goes well since Olivia thinks he’s moments away from ending their affair.”

“Zane hasn’t suggested that as a possibility. I get the impression he’s very nearly in love and fumbling his way through what that means.” When she didn’t reply with a snappy response, he looked down and noticed she was frowning. “Affairs of the heart don’t always result in a dumpster fire.”

“So I’ve heard.” She shifted away. “I’m a little more cautious and much more cynical after my last foray into that wild terrain.” Pushing back her shoulders, she painted on a bright smile. “I have to make sure my armor is polished and in place before I try again.”

“I get that but know that protecting yourself can sometimes close doors to the very thing you need.”

Lucy laughed. “Are you the thing I need?”

“Could be.” He pulled her closer. “You’re the kind of woman that starts a burning blaze in a man’s gut and is an immediate hell yeah.” He lifted her chin with his thumb. “Make no mistake; if I ever get to call you baby, I’m gonna treat you like a gawt damn queen. Full stop.”

“Who are you, Linc Hawker?” Shivering, she looked up. “I can’t make sense of you.”

“The good things in life are never explainable.” He shook his head. “You feel like a mystery I’m never gonna solve and one that will be just out of reach.”

“I don’t know how that’s possible since the last man I spent time with suggested that I was too loud, too talky, and far too opinionated.Andmore trouble than I was worth.”

“Fuck him,” Linc said sharply. “Any man, woman, or child who wants a tamer version doesn’t deserve a minute of your attention.”

“I agree and have never had one on offer.”

“Good. Because this tired, worn-out world deserves every ounce of your majesty.”

“And yet so many people prefer the status quo. Go along to get along and all of that.”

“That shit is soul-crushing.”

“But not everyone wants all the bright colors and loud voices and….”

“You’ve never had someone standing at your side, cheering you on and making sure you had the room you needed?”

Lucy blinked twice. “Does something like that even exist?”

“I’m banking on it and won’t stop until I find it.” He ran his finger over the bright beads covering her blouse's cuff. “I’m fully embracing the exclamation part of life since I’ve been to Hell and back and have no fucks left to give.” He dropped his gaze to her enticing mouth and took a long slow breath. “I want to….”

“Don’t kiss me unless you mean it.”

“Oh sweetheart, I mean it. Make no mistake.” He gently took her mouth and was pleasantly surprised that she took the kiss deeper. Pulling her closer elicited a low sound of pleasure, and he responded with a low guttural growl of dominance.

It had taken thirty-five years to find the one who fit his rough edges, and he hoped that meant the future he wanted was within reach. “How much do you mind missing the next round of trivia?”

“Not very much if you keep kissing me.”

“Good,” he muttered before returning to his new favorite activity.


Lucy stood in the empty lot behind her store and pressed her fingers against her lips. The memory of her time with Linc lingered, and she knew that avoiding, deflecting, or lying to herself was no longer an option.

Before she could devise a plan to deal with the new development, the sound of heavy boots struck the concrete. She turned and watched six feet of temptation stride in her direction and almost let out a happy sigh, along with a giggle of delight and a swoon of infatuation.

Good Lord, was there going to be no hope of not falling head over shiny gold heels for the man?
