Page 25 of Tempted

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Zelda gave Linc an arched eyebrow. “You want to tell them, or should I?”

“Jeez, girl, I’ve seen boat guys who don’t have half your juice. And considering we like to fast-rope into a RIB hovering three-hundred and fifty feet above the ocean while the helo tries not to get weather vaned into kingdom come, that’s saying something.”

Zelda flipped a pink braid over her shoulder. “My mom says it’s a gift and one I should use for good and not evil.”

“Amen,” Zane said quietly.

“I think he likes Ms. Lucy,” Sam announced loudly. “You’re gonna need a lot of funnel cakes to get her interested.”

“Thanks, little Romeo, for the advice.” Linc gave the small group a confident smile. “I got this.”

“You so don’t,” Zelda snorted. “I heard the ladies talking earlier and repelling candle and your name was used in the same sentence.”

“Not a big deal. It’s an opposite attracts thing, and we’ll have things worked out before too long.”

Zelda took Sam and Kelsey’s hands. “I think it’s more of an enemy-to-lover disaster in the making, but that’s just me.” She turned the children toward the ride. “We’ll go stand in line for the Ferris wheel.”

“Expect to be proven wrong, young lady,” Linc called out loudly to the departing group.

“Got to be one of your proudest moments.” Zane punched Linc in the arm. “I’m gonna leave now, so you can get your swagger back in place.”

“Appreciate it,” he mumbled before stalking in Lucy’s direction. Maybe she’d been right about the adverse effects of being the stars of town gossip. He crossed the space that separated them at a fast clip and intercepted her as she tried to make an end-run. “Hello, pretty lady.”

Lucy looked around and let out a little huff. “I told you that I wanted to play it cool so the town wouldn’t be dropping off wedding presents and sharing their thoughts on possible baby names.”

“I don’t know why anyone would assume we can’t come up with names on our own.” When he got nothing but a derisive tilt of her mouth, he knew she was in no mood to be teased. “Okay, I get it.”

“Do you, though?” She pushed her hands into the pockets of her dress. “This isn’t your home, and you can escape the speculation anytime you want.”

“I know this isn’t the first time you’ve been the center of talk.” He took her hand. “What’s underneath all the mad you got festering?” Moving closer, he made sure no one was within earshot. “Does it have to do with the douche in the red car that circles your store a hundred times a day or something else entirely?” Lucy looked up, and he saw a vulnerability he would’ve sworn she was immune to. “I may appear to be a chill dude but make no mistake, that shit will disappear if I think someone is harshing your vibe in any way.”

“That’s the thing,” she said quietly, “I was the one who disrespected my own rules and allowed his antics to lower my vibration.”

Linc led her toward a large sycamore tree away from the bustle of activity. “Not a person alive who hasn’t had that happen a time or two.”

“Perhaps, but I’m mortified that I allowed that puffed-up playboy to trigger me. The whole debacle has nicked my self-confidence, and I never want to be taken out of my character again.”

“Understood.” An overwhelming need to protect the woman surged through his chest. “My grandfather used to tell me there is no such thing as failures. Or even mistakes. It’s all just a learning curve and a way to eliminate one more way that doesn’t work. Perhaps that’s the lesson the playboy was meant to remind you of.”

“I suppose it’s possible.” Leaning back, she smiled. “I think Grandpa Hawker mashed up some wisdom from Thomas Edison and an ancient Chinese oracle.”

Linc chuckled. “Sounds about right since he read more books than anyone I’ve ever met and might’ve been a bigger book hoarder than you.”

“Collector, Linc. I am a curator of abandoned books.”

“I know, sweetheart. And those pods sitting in your back lot are a testament to that talent.”

Lucy gasped and looked over Linc’s shoulder. “The gall.”

He whipped his head around. “Guess stalking you wasn’t doing it anymore, and Ken has decided to up the ante and circle closer.” He dropped his arm over her shoulder. “I’m all about taking the high road and not letting those who have chosen to remain unevolved change my day in any way, but….”

“What?” Lucy asked, moving closer. “Is now the perfect time to discount the power of good behavior?”

“Not necessarily,” he replied in a low tone. “But have you ever dropped a good ‘fuck you’ on someone who did you dirty? That shit will make the sun rise.” He tipped his chin toward Lucy’s former fling. “What would you like to do about the fool in the pressed jeans?”

She took his hand and stepped backward. “Ignore his existence.”

He gave in to the tug of her hands. “I’m down with that. Do you have an idea of what we can do instead?”
