Page 26 of Tempted

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“I do,” she said with a smile filled with mischievousness. “I’m not going to waste another minute worrying about others’ opinions. To hell with all the speculation, let’s give those gossips something juicy to discuss.”

“Now, that’s the kind of high-vibe shenanigans I can get behind.”

“Or beneath,” she said with a laugh as she tugged him toward an overgrown peach orchard.

“Indeed,” he muttered as he followed her toward the flowering trees.

The early afternoon breeze pushed the peach blossoms off the tree, making them cascade around her and Linc’s heads. “I think…”

“What say we leave the mental machinations for later?”

“Okay,” she mumbled, letting him pin her against a paint-chipped white post. Unable to ignore his look filled with desire, she pulled him closer. “You look like a man who wants to call the shots.”

“Do you feel like throwing a little trust my way and letting me lead?” He moved closer, caging her in. “Because I’ve got some interesting things I want to show you.”

“I like show and tell.” She dug her hands into his T-shirt and felt his hips press against her stomach. Pinning her focus on his lush mouth, she closed her eyes when his lips met hers, and his stubble rasped against her cheek. Soft and hard. Linc Hawker possessed both qualities beautifully.

She tightened her grasp on his rippling forearm and let his tongue slip into her mouth.

Aggressive and confident.

And everything she could’ve wanted.

His hard physique pressed against her soft curves, and she tried to keep up with the kiss. Loving his confidence, she wondered if he was the one who could handle her. It sure seemed possible since he was dominant in his approach but so exquisitely soft in his execution. She had no doubt he’d take what he wanted but would ensure that he had her agreement first.

Please, be everything I imagine.

As if reading her mind, he gripped her chin and leveled up, grating his teeth against hers. The kiss wasn’t sweet or tentative; it was pent-up and furious. Deeper and deeper, it held enough magic to make the world shimmer away, and she fell happily under its spell.

Whap, whap, whap.

In the back of her mind, she tried to make sense of the annoying sound but couldn’t.

“Ignore it,” Linc ground out, pulling his mouth away briefly.

“Plan on it,” she mumbled before pulling their mouths together.

“There they are,” a loud voice called out.

Annoyed beyond belief, she reluctantly ended the kiss, looked to the left of Linc’s massive shoulder, and saw Ken with someone she didn’t recognize. “What in the world?”

Linc turned and stepped away. “Julie?”

Not quite believing her eyes, she watched the man who’d been making love to her mouth mere seconds ago open his arms and embrace a waif of a laughing woman.

Not the plot twist she saw coming—that was for damn sure.

Tearing her eyes away from the couple, she saw Ken standing at the entrance to the orchard with a smarmy satisfied smile. “Guess you’re not done raining on my parade, are you?”

Uncertain if she should leave Linc and his… paramour… long lost love… she had no idea how important the woman was. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. What was the polite thing to do when your fling had another woman lovingly wrapped in his arms?

A long minute later, Linc released his hold and shook his head. “How in the hell did you find me in Haven?”

“I activated my spy network and put the clues together.” She ran her hand down his cheek and smiled. “It’s been too long.”

“It sure has.”

The warmth of his response told her just about everything she needed to know. “Well, I’ll let you two have some privacy for your reunion.” Lucy stepped around Linc. “I should help my sister.”
