Page 31 of Tempted

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“That’s not going to help you.”

He looked over and saw the concrete sub-contractor shake his head. “Manny, aren’t you supposed to be laying the new floor?”

“I’m waiting for the building inspector to leave.”

“What’s Wilbur doing in there? He signed off on the plumbing thirty minutes ago?”

“Last I checked, he was helping Hoyt devise a plan to get Betsy interested.”

“And what makes him think he’s in any way qualified to play matchmaker?”

Manny ran his hand over his jaw. “Wilbur has been married… three times… to the same woman. There isn’t a man in Haven who knows more about the roller coaster of love. He’s screwed up in every way possible and managed to fix it. I’m not sure if he’s some kind of mad genius or the luckiest son of a bitch in the Southeast.”

Linc studied the object of Hoyt’s affection as she picked out books for her class and had no idea if the quiet giant had any chance with the teacher. “I wish them luck and hope there isn’t a brawl before Betsy decides who she’ll date.”

“The woman has burned the torch for Hoyt since she returned from college, and I wouldn’t blame her a bit if she let him sweat while she entertained all the offers coming her way.”

Linc studied the burly contractor and was surprised he had so much to say about the couple. He didn’t often hear men weigh in on relationships and didn’t know if the willingness to gossip was just a function of living in a small town.

Manny tipped his chin toward Lucy. “Now that you two are finito, I may introduce her to my cousin. He’s an investment banker and has had a thing for her since he visited last summer.”

“What in the hell would make you think we’re finished?” he ground out with more heat than necessary.

“You had that pretty blonde wound around you all Saturday afternoon. There isn’t a person who missed it, and I can tell you that Lucy Bennett don’t play that way.” He shook his head. “Your,” he lifted his hand in air quotes, “friend was telling anyone who crossed her path at the lake run that you two were involved and minutes away from doing something about it.”

Linc whipped his head around. “That is one hundred percent not true.”

Manny put up his hands. “Okaaaay.”

“Julie is a childhood friend, and we have never been romantically involved, nor will we ever be. End of story.”

“Well, she’s spinning another tale, and as far as I can tell, means to make it come true.” His phone beeped, and he looked down. “Looks like we can get started.”

“You go on… I’ll be there in a minute.”

Manny nodded. “For what it’s worth, once Lucy makes up her mind about something… it rarely changes. And by rarely, I mean never.”

Linc pointed toward the back door of the store. “You can start pouring that concrete.”

Manny snorted. “You got it.”

He looked between Lucy and Julie and didn’t know who to approach first. He wanted to blast Julie for the stories she was spreading and smother Lucy in apologies for the trouble his friend was causing. Before he could decide which way was best, he heard Wilbur call his name. He headed in the direction of the building inspector and hoped he needed to update him on the permits and not dispense unsolicited relationship advice.

How that was going to be possible, he couldn’t say.

Several hours later, Linc stood with Lucy and inspected the new floor in the back room. “I think you’re going to enjoy a slope-free existence.”

“I can’t disagree.” She stepped back. “I appreciate you taking on this project and coordinating the rehab. Please give me an invoice, so I can cut you a check.”

“I’m not going to charge you, Lucy.”

“That’s not acceptable.” Crossing her arms, she looked from side to side. “I never would’ve allowed you to do so many things. I can’t accept your charity and expect to see a bill by tomorrow.”

Linc felt his old friend frustration roil in his gut and knew that his newfound emotional acuity was about to be tested. The old him would be throwing down ultimatums and telling Lucy which way the flag was going to fly. The new him knew that wasn’t healthy or productive.

Letting out a long breath, he gathered himself. “I hear what you’re saying but would like to respectfully disagree.” He held out his hand and watched her shake her head. “Should we hammer out the contractor or romantic thing first?”

“Our flirtation has run out of road.” She waved her hand around. “We are not well suited.”
