Page 43 of Tempted

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Lucy watched several of her mother’s friends stroll in and decided it was time to return to her store. “Back to work.”

“Love wins. Love wins.”

She rolled her eyes and decided that Horace having the last word wasn’t the worst way to start her week.

After she crossed the street, she took a moment to study her store’s front window. The flying book display was beginning to look stale, and she wondered if there was a way to incorporate the spring's hottest titles with some of Dee’s naughty vegetables.

“What are you cooking up?”

Lucy turned and took Linc’s outstretched hand. “A new window display.”

“I like the vortex of flying books.”

“It’s time for a refresh.” She kissed his cheek. “Maybe I should have a little shindig at the store so we can celebrate the rehab you’ve so kindly masterminded.”

“The town does love an excuse to raise a glass, so I think a book bash is a hell of an idea.”

A little thrum of excitement ran across her shoulders. “When do you think the work will be done and water can flow safely into my pipes and not the floor?”

“It should be done by Friday.”

“That will work out perfectly since I think Oliva is going to…” she shook her head. “Never mind about that. I can’t have you squealing to Zane. The return is unconfirmed, and the last thing my sweet sister needs is for your cousin to run down the road and make ridiculous confessions of love and remorse. I’m sure any display of regret, no matter how grand, will never make her consider a reconciliation. She’s too lovable to settle and has more options than a woman onLove Island.”

Linc rocked back on his heels. “Just as a point of clarification, is theLove Islandreference one I need to understand?”

“Not unless you intend to fill your free time with reality shows.”

“Any free time I have will be spent loving you up.” Pulling her closer, he leaned down and put his mouth against her ear. “I’m going to do everything I can to make the idea of being away from me unacceptable.”

A shower of bliss blew across her skin, and she knew he was more than halfway there. “I do like a focused man.”

“Good, because that’s exactly what I am.”

“Lucky me.” She turned in his arms, rested her hand against his chest, and kissed him more passionately than was appropriate for a Monday morning. The man-made her giddy, and she didn’t feel like fighting it for a second more.

When she heard car horns honk, she pulled away, knowing that the town did not need to be fully informed of the state of their relationship. “Well, we should both get on with our day.”

“A good idea.” Adjusting himself discreetly, he cleared his throat. “I need to run down to the hardware store so I can finish the update on your bathroom.”

“The store bathroom is getting updated?”

“No, the one in your apartment.” He cupped her cheek. “I decided you needed a few upgrades.”

“I like upgrades.”

“I know, sweetheart.” He took a step back. “I’ll check in with you later.”

“Alright.” She blew him a kiss and walked toward the door, knowing that having him in her life was the biggest upgrade of all. Linc Hawker paid attention to the details and would likely carry the world's weight if she asked. He possessed not only depth but enough bite to keep the world in check.

Strong and soft. The perfect combination.

Linc strolled into the hardware store, saw his cousin in a huddle with Allen, and decided not to interrupt. They looked like they were discussing things of great importance, and the last thing he needed to do was get in the middle of it.

He headed toward the plumbing aisle and hoped they had a decent selection of showerheads since the one currently in Lucy’s shower was pitiful. When he rounded the corner, he saw an older gentleman trying to grab something off a tall shelf. “Let me get that for you, sir.”

“Appreciate it, young man.” He ran his hand over the few wisps of white hair that covered his head. “I get shorter every year.”

Link grabbed the package that contained parts for a bathroom sink and handed it over. “Here you go.”
