Page 44 of Tempted

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“Thank you.” He gave Linc a nod. “Are you one of the Hawker boys?”

“Guilty as charged.”

Letting out a little chuckle, he held the package against his chest. “You are the spitting image of your granddaddy.”

“I’ve heard that a time or two.”

He put out his hand. “I’m Desmond Finch.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Finch.” He shook the man’s hand slowly. “Linc Hawker.”

Desmond ran his hand over his chin. “If you had shorter hair and no tattoos, you’d be a mirror image of Phineas.”

“Were you two friends?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, we were and used to find all kinds of trouble.” He chuckled. “Phineas was an irreverent little cuss and did as he saw fit with no time for rules that didn’t make sense.”

“An attitude that I can appreciate.”

“He was also a good man that stood up for those who couldn’t quite do it for themselves.”

Hearing the positive words sent a bone-deep satisfaction through his veins. It seemed the man he’d long held in high esteem was well-liked by his peers. He pointed to the package in the man’s hand. “Are you doing a little home improvement?”

“Indeed.” Desmond chuckled. “Just hoping that I remember how it’s done.”

“I’d be happy to come by and take care of it for you.”

“That’s not necessary, son.” He straightened his shoulders. “I’ve always done the small repairs on the house.”

“Alright, but let me know if you change your mind.” He leaned against the shelf. “I’d love to hear more stories about my grandfather and wouldn’t mind having a go at the sink.”

“Well, I suppose a little visit wouldn’t be a bad idea.”


“I live at the end of Magnolia Lane. Big white house, you can’t miss it.”

“Why don’t I stop by later this afternoon?” Linc replied.

Desmond lifted the package and smiled. “I look forward to it. My daughter dropped off a pan of cornbread, so we can have that after we’re done with the sink.”

Linc shook the man’s hand. “Sounds great. I’ll see you later today.”

“Good enough.”

He watched the man amble away and looked forward to hearing about Phineas Hawker and his exploits. He scanned the showerheads, found one he liked, and headed toward the cash register. Before he made it to his destination, Hoyt waved him over. “What’s up?”

Manny joined them and shook his head. “You’re not going to like this.”

“It’s not the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” Zane said as he walked up.

Surprised by his cousin’s semi-positive comment, he turned toward Hoyt. “Should I assume this has something to do with your pursuit of Betsy?”

“Yes,” Hoyt replied firmly. “Apparently, I have the emotional IQ of a toddler and lack the most basic skills in relationships.” He looked between the men. “I need to,” he dug his phone out of his pocket, “Betsy sent me notes; hold on.”

Linc exchanged looks with Manny. “This isn’t going to involve a pool game and beers, is it?”

“Nope.” Manny pushed his hand into his pocket. “We’re all going to boyfriend school whether we want to or not.”
