Page 52 of Tempted

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“I’m not saying that you’re an F-Boy, but you have to know that you were blessed with that indescribable thing and possess the magic that makes women gaga. It was true when you were ten, and it’s still true now that you’re thirty-five. You could be covered in muck and belching, and women would still want a piece of you.”

“That sounds like some seriously bad fiction.” He shook his head. “I’m not ugly, but I’m sure as hell not that good-looking.”

She threw up her hands. “Whatever. I don’t need to convince you. All I’m saying is that I wasn’t immune to you.”

“I never had a clue.”

“I know and made sure that you never would.”

The warm spring air pushed through the trees surrounding the property, and he tilted his face toward the breeze. “I meant what I said the other day. Lucy is the one for me, and I don’t ever see it changing.”

“I know. The way you look at her is unmistakable.” She leaned in and punched him on the arm. “You have met your match, Linc, and seeing how it’s going to play out is a show I don’t want to miss.”

“It’s bound to be good, no doubt about it.” Feeling a smile lift his mouth, he gave into it. “She’s got all the qualities that I hoped to find.”

“Alright, give me the list that made you fall.”

He saw a glimpse of the old Julie and decided to do as she asked. “Lucy will always keep me on my toes. She possesses a heart from hell and will get dirty for what she wants most in life. I’m hoping, somewhere down the road, she’ll count me as one of those things and crack her heart wide open and let me in.” He scraped his boot against the loose gravel. “The woman doesn’t play it safe, hold back, or pretend things don’t matter. She takes a big bite out of this world, and I’d like to be at her side while she does.”

“I’m happy for you.”

He studied his friend and decided to take her words at face value. “I appreciate that; it means a lot.” Checking his watch, he groaned. “I better get cleaned up so I can get back in time for Hoyt’s group meeting.”

Julie snickered. “You better take a sharpened pencil because I heard he lectured everyone about not being prepared last time.”

“I’m all for leveling up and dealing with bad habits and old thinking, but jeez the guy is kind of a tyrant.” He ran his hand through his hair. “He actually checked our worksheets.”

“I don’t have a drop of sympathy.”

“Didn’t expect any.”

Julie pushed herself to her feet. “I’m going to shower since I’ve been invited to a meeting too.”

“That sounds interesting.”

“Should be since Lucy said something about showing the Haven Ladies’ Society that the younger generation is more than capable of serving up a reckoning that will be remembered for years.”

“Ah jeez, what are you all planning?”

“None of your business.” She gave him a sweet smile. “I’m sure there’s some sort of oath of secrecy, and I don’t want to blow it before we…never mind.” She picked up her box and gave Linc a little wave. “Catch you later. Have fun diving into your emotional muck and dealing with outdated cultural and societal biases.”

He watched his old friend stride into the house and hoped that whatever retribution plan Lucy was about to hatch didn’t require a flight out of the country.


Three days later, Linc opened his eyes, taking a minute to get his bearings. It was Sunday, and he was in Lucy’s apartment over the bookstore. Letting happiness seep into his bones, he pulled her closer and told himself he deserved the moment. He’d done the work, faced the demons, and leveled up in every way possible.

And here he was, with his girl’s ass tucked into his lap. There wasn’t a part of his body that wasn’t celebrating. His cock, probably most of all, since it was in the loving care of her sweet cheeks.

This was a life he could get used to.

He pressed his mouth to her neck and felt her hand reach back and take his shaft in hand. It was a sleepy kind of stroke. Nothing too aggressive. Just a slow up and down as he rubbed his thumb around her nipple.

Not wanting the reality of the day to intrude, he focused on the whisper of a touch and felt sweat bead on his forehead. When she gave him a firm tug, his hips jolted with an instinctual kick. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

“Seems to be,” she murmured.

“Let's make sure.” With his hand on the flat of her back, he pulled until she flipped over. Keeping his grasp firm, he tugged until she straddled him. “Now, that’s the way to start the day.” He bucked his hips swiftly and watched a satisfied smile form.
