Page 55 of Tempted

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“Because we have incredible sex?”

“Well, that sure as hell doesn’t hurt.”

“I agree, but it’s not a basis for a long-term happy union.”

“Well aware of that.” He pulled her closer. “We’ll have to agree on bills, parenting styles, credit, debt, and probably religion.”

“And how to deal with family, what beliefs to instill in our children, childhood traumas, and sexual expectations.”

“We can’t leave out family health history, mental health history, bucket lists, careers, and political views.”

“I know that love alone isn’t enough,” Lucy said quietly.

He ran his thumb over her cheek. “Things will happen, and it’s important to know who you’d like to have at your side when they do.”


Not able to determine if she was considering his ideas seriously, he retreated and decided to focus on what would bind them in the near term. “Should we roll back into bed, or is it time to feed you?”

Lucy pressed her hands to his face. “Let’s grab breakfast and see where the day takes us.”

“I think that’s a damn fine idea.”

“I have lots of them.”

“Sweetheart, that was never in doubt.” He pushed himself out of bed and hoped she’d eventually consider giving him a permanent spot on the roster.

Lucy walked into her childhood home and heard the familiar sounds of her family chattering away in the kitchen. They’d been a family of women for over ten years, and she guessed that was about to change if Olivia and Zane were truly reunited.

She hadn’t squeezed many details out of her sister and hoped that would change during their meal. “Hello.”

“We’re in the kitchen.” Olivia popped her head around the arch leading into the home's heart. “I won’t apologize for eating most of the crab dip.”

“I’m late, so I’d expect nothing less.” She kissed her sister’s bright cheek. “Reconciliation agrees with you.”

“Doesn’t it, though?” Olivia clasped her sister’s hand. “Turns out that gushing over a man for months does work out in the end.”

“Clearly.” She stopped in front of Horace’s cage and noticed that the small picture of Dolly hadn’t been pecked to death. “Proud of you, bird.”

“Too shiny. Too shiny.”

Lucy made a little bow. “Why, thank you. I made sure to pile on as much bling as I could.”

“I can’t believe you and your feathered foe have made peace.”

“Not sure how long it will last,” Lucy commented. “But I am happy not to hear my name cursed hourly.” She blew the bird a kiss and followed Olivia into the kitchen. “Hello, beauties.”

We’ll be eating in twenty minutes,” Elaine called out as she cut cucumbers for the salad.

“Perfect.” She kissed Gram’s cheek and accepted a glass of chilled Chardonnay. “Hello, you look lovely.”

“Thank you, darling.” She pursed her lips. “I hear you and the girls are planning something nefarious, interesting, or both.”

“Wait, what did I miss?” Olivia asked as she sat at the table.

“Ken is living up to all the nasty monikers I’ve given him over the last month and is plotting my downfall.”

“What in the world?” Elaine held her knife aloft. “That is unacceptable.”
