Page 57 of Tempted

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Elaine let out a sigh. “When Yolanda’s husband took off for parts unknown, we made sure that the title of the house was only in her name. Fortunately, one of our members worked at city hall and managed the paperwork with little fuss.”

Margret nodded with approval. “She had four young children to raise, and the last thing she needed was to worry about where they would live. We helped her get the bakery going and supported the business in whatever way we could.” She cleared her throat. “When Vern started going out of town every other week with no explanation during his wife’s battle with cancer, we made sure that Genie was taken care of.”

“And let him know that customers wouldn’t be needing his dry-cleaning services if he didn’t straighten up and fly right,” Elaine added. “We simply help those who need it most.”

“It’s not illegal or particularly thrilling,” Margret said firmly. “It’s just women helping women out.”

Olivia got up and grabbed the bottle of wine. “I thought there were more shenanigans, escapades, and thrilling capers involved.”

“Me too,” Lucy said quietly. “But I do love the idea of setting things to rights.”

Grams smoothed out the linen napkin that was sitting on her plate. “There might be the occasional antic, but it’s hardly worth mentioning.”

Lucy threw up her hands. “Don’t entice me with morsels of mischievousness.”

Elaine leaned forward. “How do you plan on showing Ken the error of his ways?”

“Apparently, he plans on monkeying with my online business and launching a smear campaign that will damage my reputation. He bragged to Julie that destroying my livelihood would take little effort.” She toyed with her wine glass. “We decided that returning the favor would be the best way to teach him a lesson.”

“Bravo, darling. That’s both effective and elegant.”

“Thanks, Grams.”

“So, how is this going to be accomplished?” Olivia asked with interest. “And what do I get to do?”

“I spoke with our baby sister, and she’s going to handle the tech part of the plan.” She shook her head. “Ken thinks of himself as an IT genius, and I thought it would be best if he had the opportunity to choke on the bravado when his attempt to take me down is thwarted.”

“And exactly how is that happening?” Olivia asked with excitement. “Are we staging a B&E and pouring maple syrup all over the computers in his office?”

“Olivia Bennett, what has gotten into you?” Elaine asked with surprise.

Olivia looked around the table. “What? It’s a great idea.”

“Minus the jail time,” Grams commented.

“Breaking and entering will not be necessary since we are lucky enough to have a sibling that is a genius. Callie gave me a five-minute synopsis of what she plans on unleashing, and I understood very little.” Lucy waved her hand. “Not that it matters since our sister has an unquenchable thirst for righting wrongs with whatever means necessary.”

“And experience in the world of black ops is going to work in your favor,” Olivia said with satisfaction.

“I know,” Lucy said, smiling.

“Black what?” Elaine asked.

“Nothing, Mom,” Lucy and Olivia said simultaneously.

“It’s very much something,” Elaine replied, pushing herself to her feet. “I think it’s time to visit my youngest and see why she travels as often as she does.”

“I’m starved,” Lucy announced as she stood. “What can I do to get dinner on the table?” She saw her grandmother roll her eyes and ignored it as she approached the stove. It wasn’t her job to explain Callie’s super-secret life.

She grabbed two hot pads and marinated in the happiness of knowing she was about to show Ken that she couldn’t be messed with.

Hard lines, indeed.


Linc strolled into the kitchen and was surprised to see Zane pouring himself a cup of coffee. “I wasn’t sure if you knew the way home anymore.”

“I have been busy romancing my woman and showing her that giving me a second chance is worth the risk.”
