Page 63 of Tempted

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Ken stomped across the bar, and Lucy noticed quite a few men stand and move in their direction. Good Lord, was the man going to insist on one final show? Jasper walked around the bar, and Lucy noticed he wore his serious, don’t-fuck-around-in-my-bar perma-scowl. Did he actually think that Ken would get physical? He didn’t like to break a sweat, much less get his clothes mussed.

“You look more foolish than usual,” Ken barked out as he pushed a chair out of the way, making it clatter to the ground.

“I do what I can.” After inspecting her manicure, she let out a little laugh. “I’d hate to disappoint my fans, after all.” Bravado? Full fakery? She had no idea what he was accusing her of, but she would be damned if she appeared like she cared.

Stopping a half-foot away, Ken smirked. “Had a visit from your low-life boyfriend.” He looked from side to side. “He accused me of some bullshit and threw out a couple of threats. I knew you’d go downhill after I left you, but I didn’t expect you to be in the gutter.”

A quiet hush fell over the room, and Lucy swore that a cool red mist had fallen over her vision. Anger pulsed in her veins, and she picked up a full pitcher of margaritas and dumped it.

Right. Over. His. Fricking. Head.

The liquid ran down his perfectly coiffed hair and covered him in the sticky liquid before it splashed against the floor. Ken squeaked and looked down at his tequila-drenched loafers before stepping out of them. “Seems I can make a point all by myself.”

She took the stack of napkins that Gigi offered and wiped her hands. “And for the record, the gutter is a big step up from where you reside.”

Manny moved to Lucy’s side and pointed to Ken's little socks. “Dude, are those women’s socks?”

Wilbur joined the group. Those are like the peds my wife wears. Liner socks or something.”

Ken picked up his shoes. “I get blisters. Big deal.”

Jasper came up behind Ken and gripped his arm. “Out you go.”

“You can’t make me leave.”

Jasper barked out a chuckle. “I sure as hell can.”

Sputtering arguments, Ken was escorted out of the bar to a round of applause. “Any chance that’s the end?” Lucy asked no one in particular.

Gigi dropped her arm around Lucy and pulled her close. “At least you got the last word.”

She nodded faintly and thought about what kind of words she wanted to share with Linc.

How dare he interfere and ride to a rescue she never asked for.

Linc knew that he was in the deepest kind of trouble. Based on the frantic call he’d received from Julie, he was all but guaranteed to be looking at the end of his quest for Lucy’s heart.

Why hadn’t he heeded the warning voices in his head?

Was his ego still in charge of the game? He strolled in the direction of the bookstore and guessed that it was because what other explanation could he give for beating his chest and playing a knight in shining armor that no one needed?

All gas, no brakes.

He’d let old habits run amok.

His need to protect her became more important than her desire to be independent and handle things as she saw fit. Knocking on the back door of the store, he hoped against all odds that she was in a forgiving mood.

The door swung open a minute later. “Hey, sweetheart, heard it got a little interesting at Jasper’s.”

“Thanks to you,” she said as she ushered him in. “I’m exhausted and hope that we can keep this short.”

Wincing at the exasperated tone, he followed her through the back of the store and up the stairs that led to her apartment. When they were seated in the matching leather chairs, he noticed her look of resignation. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have interfered.”

Lucy swung her bare foot in a circle. “Did you think that I was incapable?”

“No, of course not.” He leaned forward and clasped his hands. “I just…”

“Thought that you had a better solution than I did?”
